Design and Implementation of a Computerized Student Registration Number System
Content Structure of Design and Implementation of a Computerized Student Registration Number System
The abstract contains the research problem, the objectives, methodology, results, and recommendations
- Chapter one of this thesis or project materials contains the background to the study, the research problem, the research questions, research objectives, research hypotheses, significance of the study, the scope of the study, organization of the study, and the operational definition of terms.
- Chapter two contains relevant literature on the issue under investigation. The chapter is divided into five parts which are the conceptual review, theoretical review, empirical review, conceptual framework, and gaps in research
- Chapter three contains the research design, study area, population, sample size and sampling technique, validity, reliability, source of data, operationalization of variables, research models, and data analysis method
- Chapter four contains the data analysis and the discussion of the findings
- Chapter five contains the summary of findings, conclusions, recommendations, contributions to knowledge, and recommendations for further studies.
- References: The references are in APA
- Questionnaire.
Abstract Of Design and Implementation of a Computerized Student Registration Number System
A number of problems associated with student registration number which include include improper course registration, late release of students’ results, and inaccuracy due to manual and tedious calculation and retrieval difficulties/inefficiency due to Lack of Student Registration number. In most cases the data generated by academic institutions are usually created in non-delineated files for use by different departments/units within the institutions with the same data appearing on several of these files. This means that a simple change of address would have to be processed in two and probably three or four places, depending on the number of other files on which these data appears. The development of database concept is the answer to these problems where the amount of redundant data is reduced and the possibility that data contained on a file might be inaccurate because they were never updated. This paper discusses the design and implementation of a student registration number system database application with Microsoft Access 2003. It also discusses the issues of selecting appropriate database model, interface design, system deployment and maintenance. A projection of record growth in relation to student population and system requirement was carried out in the study. Finally it discusses the applicability of the system in academic institutions. The Programming language used in developing this application is Visual 2012. It runs in Windows 98 to Latest windows 10.
This chapter gives an overview about the aim, objectives, background and operation environment of the system.
Student Registration Number system is an application which are generally small or medium in size. Itis used by school management tocreate and manage the student registration number using a computerized system where he/she can create registration number for the Student, create a report of all the registration number of the student to each of their department and facultites,Storing the registration details for reference purpose. With this computerized system there will be no loss of record or member record whichgenerally happens when a non computerized system is used.If user’s position is admin, the user is able to create and maintain all the registration number details.All these modules are able to help the Registrar to manage the registration information with more convenience and in a more efficient way as compared to Registration number systems which are not computerized.
The problems found during registration of the student was so much that there were cases where files containing the details of the student and his/her registration number got missing,unidentification of the student’s department and faculties because of lack of registration number, time required to record as well as presenting an Information
Lack of effectiveness in their methods of record keeping, further compounds the problem.
The project aims and objectives that will be achieved after completion of this project are discussed in this subchapter. The aims and objectives are as follows:
- To resolve Registration number issue
- To Request column for the Registrar to generate registration number for the student.
- To create a separate column for registering the School information.
- To provide a login page where the admin can have access to register and generate registration number for the student.
- To update the student registration number based on department and faculties.
The significance of this study was to help and give a benefit to the student, staff and school management.The computerized library system would improve the monitoring capacities of those who maintain the system. Furthermore, the registrar would be much guided when it comes to registering and generating the registration number of the student, letting them arrange it promptly and accordingly.
- Unavailability of academic materials.
- Transport problem
- Lack of financial support
- Lack of Time
- Unavailability of programming software such as Visual Basic.Net.
This research work will concentrate on Registration, Report, School managment, and LogOut menu which include handling of some queries like; updating record, deleting record and viewing the student information via S/N, Name of Student, Reg Number and department as the case may be. It is a case study of MarcusICT Academy.
During the process of data collection, information relating to Student registration number System was obtained from IBOM E – LIBRARY. The information was collected from the admin staff during the course of my industrial attachment. Hence, it is assumed that all the data collected are correct and contains no false information.
- Registration:this means to keep records received from the management for reference purposes.
- Registration Number: An Assign alphanumeric data given to Student which refer to a particular department, faculties, month and year.
- Management: It is the co-ordination of all the resources of an Organization through the process of planning, Organization, directing and controlling
- System:Physical component of a computer that is used to perform certain task.
- Data: Numbers, Text or image which is in the form suitable forStorage in or processing by a computer, or incompleteinformation.
- Information: A meaning full material derived from computer data by organizing it and interpreting it in a specified way.
- Input: Data entered into a computer for storage or processing.
- Impersonation: The act of pretending to be avoid candidate in order to write examination for someone else using that person identity card.
- Output: Information produced from a computer after processing.
- Information System: A set of interrelated components that collect (or retrieve), process, store and distribute information to support decision making and control in an organization.
- COMPUTER:-Computer is an electronic device that accepts data as Input, processes data and gives out information as output to the user.
- SOFWARE:-Software is set of related programs that are designed by the manufacturer to control the hardware and to enable the computer perform a given task.
- HARDWARE:- Hardware is a physical part of a computer that can be touched, seen, feel which are been control by the software to perform a given task.
- DATABASE:- Database is the collection of related data in an organized form.
- PROGRAMMING:- programmingisa set of coded instruction which the computers understands and obey.
- TECHNOLOGY:-Technology is the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use technical and their interrelation with life, society and the environment, drawing upon such as industrial art, engineering, applied science and pure science.
- Algorithm : A set of logic rules determined during the design phase of a data matching application. The ‘blueprint’ used to turn logic rules into computer instructions that detail what step to perform in what order.
- Application: The final combination of software and hardware which performs the data matching.
- Data matching database: A structured collection of records or data that is stored in a computer system.
- Data cleansing: The proactive identification and correction of data quality issues which affect an agency’s ability to effectively use its data.
- Data integrity : The quality of correctness, completeness and complain with the intention of the creators of the data i.e ‘fit for purpose’
- Enrollment : The process of an individual to enroll aith an agency. Involves the initial collection of identifying details.
- Identification:the act of recognizing and naming someone or something