Abstract of Design and Construction of a Remote-controlled Distribution Transformer Monitoring and Control System
Electricity plays an important role in day to day life. Transformers are used for distribution and transmission which reduces the primary voltage to utilization voltage for customer use. Incessant burn out of distribution transformer and the resultant black out can be prevented if precautionary method like the real time internet based monitoring system is put in place. This will minimize working effect, labour for repairs, accuracy, stability, efficiency in the project.
Internet of things based distribution transformer monitory system is aimed at providing real time monitored values of transformer parameters like current, voltage, transformer oil temperature, transformer temperature. The system consist of two unit;
1) Remote terminal unit: It consist of the analyzing parameter such as sensors on the distribution transformer such as oil temperature, voltage, current and transformer temperature.
2) Power unit: This consist of the regulated voltage power that will be used by the sensors in the remote terminal unit and control circuit in the monitoring unit.
3) Monitoring unit: sensors are used to sense the main parameters of equipment such as voltage, current, oil temperature. This sensed data is sent to microcontroller and this controller checks parameter limits which further send to the IOT web server Arduino software using WIFI module of these data makes sure the right information is in hand to the operator and operator can make useful decisions before any catastrophic failure on basis of that data of parameters.