Library Science Project Topics

Awareness and Use of Records by Civil Servants in the Federal Ministry

Awareness and Use of Records by Civil Servants in the Federal Ministry


Abstract Of Awareness and Use of Records by Civil Servants in the Federal Ministry

The importance of records keepings cannot be overstated. This study examines level of awareness and use of records in federal ministries in Nigeria. The survey research design was employed in this study. Simple random sampling technique was used in selecting the sample size of the study. Data for the study were collected through the use of structured questionnaire. The study employed the descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation and inferential statistics of man Whitney test to test for significant differences. The finding of the study reveals that there is high level of awareness and uses of records keep in the federal ministries, some of this uses include decision making, planning etc. the study also reveals that the ministries faced challenges of power supply, virus and system break down. It was recommended there that that the federal government through the federal ministries of power should collaborate with the power holding companies of Nigeria to ensure the supply of constant power to federal ministries as this will help in improving their records keepings. It was generally concluded that generally be concluded therefore that records awareness on records keeping should be given priority as record is been considered as important as other organizational resources, such as finance, materials and staff.





Across the world, federal ministries are established to provide specialized functions and services to the citizens and international communities, so as to satisfy their basic needs. According to Leach, Stewart and Walsh (2014), federal ministries are service providers who aim to meet the demands, needs and aspirations of those for whom the service is provided. As human organizations, federal ministries function through the Personnel/Human Resource Department, which is the custodian of rules, regulations, records and extra-ministerial circulars. The ability of any institution be it public or private to carry out its mandate effectively depends on the availability of necessary and sufficient resources. Although,ย  it is always underestimated, information is one of the key resources in enabling the accomplishment of organizational goals. According to Van der Waldt, Van Niekerk, Doyle, Knipe and Du Toit (2012), information is a fundamental resource to both government and the private sector alike. Van der Waldt et al (2012) further state that information can be maintained and enhanced through appropriate awareness and use of records. Yet, awareness and use of records is fundamental for good governance, effective and efficient administration. It forms the basis for formulating policies, managing resources and service delivery. It enables an organisation to find information easily and orderly efficient flow of information enables an organisation to perform its functions successfully and efficiently.

Corroborating the above submission, Dearstyne (2015), posits that records are essential to the administration of federal ministries. Records contain the information that keeps government programmes functioning; they give government officials basis for making decisions, administering programmes and providing administrative continuity with past operations. Records increase accountability of government and its officials. It is therefore imperative that for the purpose of transparency and accountability, federal ministries should create and maintain authentic, reliable and usable records.

The significance of awareness and use of records and information management cannot be over emphasized. Records play important role at any given stage in the life cycle of an organization. These include recruitment, training and development, promotion, transfer, implementation, monitoring, appraisal, separation, pension, organizational development etc, and they are therefore an essential informational resource. Records or information management is anchored on the premise that records require managing, in a like manner that other government resources need managing.

Record should be regarded and managed as fully important as other administrative functions since records are at the center of governmental operations. For example, transparency and accountability can be achieved by giving the public the right of access to records and this can only be achieved through accessible and sound records management. Thus, effective information and awareness/use of records is the key and foundation any responsible government needs to provide public goods and services, fulfill its obligation of transparency and accountability towards its citizens and protect their human rights and dignity.

Low productivity in the Nigerian federal ministries has been in the front burner for decades. Red-tapism, secrecy, inefficiency and ineffectiveness are all common features of the federal ministries in Nigeria. However, it is highly regrettable that new a problem has since emerged in the area of poor records use and awareness in the federal ministries. Most civil servants are ill-trained. As a result, they lack in-depth skills in awareness and use of record and approaches to civil service records and information management. Yet, information and records are not regarded as an important resource that could influence the efficiency of the organization as well as aid the success of the firm.


Inadequate records of personnel profile, materials and transactions are alarming despite the use of ICT in the Nigeria federal ministries is worrisome. Although rules and regulation regulating the use and awareness of records exist, there is ignorance or total neglect on the part of certain civil servants, and this could have adverse effects on the policy that established the ministries and ultimately on public service delivery in general. For citizen to get a simple document process in any federal ministry in Nigeria, it will take a long period of time to get it done due to the hectic process involved in locating files and documents that can be used in processing any specification. The delay in service delivery of this organization is a national concern which has made it necessary for this researcher to examine the use and awareness of records by civil servants in Federal ministries.


The general objective of this study is to analyze the awareness and use of records by civil servants in Federal ministries while the following are the specific objectives:

  1. To evaluate the level of awareness of records by civil servants in Federal ministries.
  2. To examine the level of use of records by civil servants in Federal ministries.
  3. To find out the determinants of awareness and use of records by civil servants in Federal ministries.


  1. What is the level of awareness of records by civil servants in Federal ministries?
  2. What is the level of use of records by civil servants in Federal ministries?
  3. What are the determinants of awareness and use of records by civil servants in Federal ministries?


HO: There is no significant difference between awareness and use of records by civil servants in Federal ministries


The following are the significance of this study:

Findings from this study will educate the public administrators and the general public on the awareness and use of records by civil servants in federal ministries in Nigeria. It will also educate on the factors determining awareness and use of record by civil servants in federal ministries.

This research will be a contribution to the body of literature in the awareness and use of record by civil servants in federal ministries, thereby constituting the empirical literature for future research in the subject area.


This research will cover the awareness and use of record among civil servants in federal ministries in Nigeria. It will also cover the factors determining the awareness and use of record by civil servants in federal ministries.


Awareness: knowledge or perception of a situation or fact

Use: deploy (something) as a means of accomplishing or achieving something; employ.

Records: a thing constituting a piece of evidence about the past, especially an account kept in writing or some other permanent form

Civil servants: a person who works for the government

Federal ministry: The Federal Ministries are civil service departments that are responsible for delivering various types of government service. Each ministry is headed by a Permanent Secretary who reports to a Minister in the Federal Cabinet



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