Accounting Project Topics

Auditing as an Instrument for Ensuring Accountability: a Case Study of Catholic Institute for Development, Justice and Peace and Caritas (CIDJAP)

Auditing as an Instrument for Ensuring Accountability a Case Study of Catholic Institute for Development, Justice and Peace and Caritas (CIDJAP)


Preamble of Auditing as an Instrument for Ensuring Accountability: a Case Study of Catholic Institute for Development, Justice and Peace and Caritas (CIDJAP)


Title page

Approval page




Table of contents

List of tables



1.1            Background of study

1.2            Statement of problem

1.3            Objective of study

1.4            Scope of study

1.5            Research question

1.6            Significance of study

1.7            Definition of term


2.0            Literature Review


3.0            Research methodology

3.1     Research Design

3.2            Area of study

3.3            Population of study

3.4            Sample and sampling procedure

3.5            Instrument for data collection

3.6            Validation and reliability of instrument

3.7            Method of data collection

3.8            Method of data analysis


4.0            Presentation And Data Analysis


5.0            Discussion, conclusion and recommendation

5.1     discussion of result

5.2            Conclusion

5.3            Implications

5.4            Recommendation’

5.5            Suggestions for further research

5.6            Limitations of study



Abstract of Auditing as an Instrument for Ensuring Accountability: a Case Study of Catholic Institute for Development, Justice and Peace and Caritas (CIDJAP)

Over the years and specifically from the last two decades to date, there have been high clamour by different organizations both governmental and non-governmental organizations for introduction of auditing into their organizations.

Auditing which is an indispensable aspect of accounting is as vital as breath itself, for it has greatly improved the efficiency of many organizations through the birth of efficient accountability.

Thus, some organization are reaping the good fruit of auditing as a result of enhancing accountability I their organizations while others are wallowing in the doldrums.

Inside this project the researcher goes ahead to clearly define and explain what auditing is all about, the principles, sections of companies and allied matter act 1990 (CAMA) regulation.  Its operations and in the best way it can ensure accountability of any organization.

The first chapter is the introductory part of the project and brief history of (CIDJAP) Catholic Institute for Development Justice and Peace and Caritas.  In the second chapter we have literature review which highlight on the numerous diversified views of other authors on the subject matter of this project.  The third chapter deals with the method use in this project.  Then the fourth chapter deals with data presentation and analysis.

The last chapter is all about the discussion of result, conclusion, implication, suggestion for further research and limitations of the study.

Chapter One of Auditing as an Instrument for Ensuring Accountability: a Case Study of Catholic Institute for Development, Justice and Peace and Caritas (CIDJAP)

This chapter is concerned with the introductory part of the research work.  It deals with the following:

1.1            Background to study

1.2            Statement of problem

1.3            Objective of study

1.4            Scope of study

1.5            Research question

1.6            Significance of study

1.7            Definition of term


In the origin auditing was not used to cross check accounts by the management or owners’ of the business. Auditing was introduced when the capital used for running the business was large and the fund was entrusted in the hands of few who are managing the business. Under this condition the need to have an auditor becomes apparent to the owners of the business.

Auditing is one of the management instrument for efficiency and effectiveness, control and monitoring exercise towards accomplishing organizational goal. Auditing improves the information available for parties interest in the activities of an organization usually by commenting on the quality of management report, thus enhancing their credibility.

Theoretical rationalization for organization audit review focuses on two main themes. They are accountability and economic incentive. Accountability means that the recognition that responsibility or duty is owned by one party to one or more other parties and the idea that it should be possible to monitor the way, the responsibility has been discharged through the provision of some information, explanation report on its performance.



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