Preamble of Auditing as an Aid to Accountability on the Public Sector
Nowadays, we are faced with the problem of poor management of funds and embezzlement of funds by officers in the public sectors of the country.
The topic “auditing as an aid to accountability” was deliberately chosen by the researcher to address the problem of embezzlement and misappropriation of public fund. This research is directed towards finding the reliability of auditing as an aid to accountability.
Chapter one serves as introduction to the researcher, specified how the researcher will set out to do her findings.
Chapter two; was devoted to review the related literature in the field of auditing as aid to accountability in the public sector some of these review exposed the researcher to the magnitude of existing literature in the field of auditing / auditors.
Chapter three: the finding was analyzed, including discussion on what was found and discovered in the interview, summary of the problem of auditor in the performance of their duties also necessary recommendation raised by the researcher after analyzing and conclusion
The researcher work will no doubt add to the existing literature on the auditing as an aid to accountability.
Title page
Table of content
1.1 Overview of accountability and meaning of an audit
1.2 Statement of problems
1.3 Objective and aim of the study
1.4 Scope of the study and its limitation
1.5 Definition of terms
Literature review
2.1 The meaning of public sector
2.2 The role of auditors (external) as an aid to accountability
2.3 Duties and important of audit
2.4 The problem facing audit work
2.5 The role of auditor vis fraud detection and prevention
2.6 Fraud prevention – internal control
2.7 Effectiveness of auditing report
3.1 Findings
3.2 Summary of findings
3.3 Recommendation
3.4 Conclusion
Chapter One of Auditing as an Aid to Accountability on the Public Sector
This seems to be a national issue. The increasing incidence of fraud, embezzlement and misappropriation of funds embezzlement accounting officers and chief executive in the public section of Nigeria economy pose pertinent question as to whether auditing play any significant role towards ensuring proper accountability and judicious use of funds.
Investors and other people concerned therefore deserved to the assured that the resources which they put at the disposal of those accounting officers are efficiently, effectively and economically managed. Since its known that not all of as are judicious in the management of our own private affairs and much less so, the public affair assigned unto us.
Accountability has clearly manifested itself as a principle to be pursued if the status quo is meant to be perpetrated. Accountability can be defined in many ways by various users, thus, accountability as contained in Longman dictionary contemporary English is the condition or quality of being able to give an explanation for ones action.
Accountability is also defined as the rendering of return on stewardship relating to the management of funds and others assets of which individual or institution had been custodians.
Auditing is regarded as one of the more recently established professional born out of the complexity of modern business world. It becomes relevant so as to discourage men form erring and to expose those who erred when they give account of who they managed the funds and property entrusted on them.
This account is usually done by means of financial statement. In order to verify the true and fairness of this reports an independent person an auditor will audit the account what them is an audit?
Different bodies have define auditing as follows Earlier bodies defines an audit as an investigation by an auditor into the evidence from which financial statement of an organization have been prepared, in order to ascertain that they present a true and fair view of the summarized transaction for the financial state of the organization at the end of the accounting date, so enabling the auditor to report there on.