Mass Communication Project Topics

Audience Perception of Television Magazine Programme of Channels Television Towards Democratic Development

Audience Perception of Television Magazine Programme of Channels Television Towards Democratic Development


Audience Perception of Television Magazine Programme of Channels Television Towards Democratic Development


Content Structure of Audience Perception of Television Magazine Programme of Channels Television Towards Democratic Development

  • The abstract contains the research problem, the objectives, methodology, results, and recommendations
  • Chapter one of this thesis or project materials contains the background to the study, the research problem, the research questions, research objectives, research hypotheses, significance of the study, the scope of the study, organization of the study, and the operational definition of terms.
  • Chapter two contains relevant literature on the issue under investigation. The chapter is divided into five parts which are the conceptual review, theoretical review, empirical review, conceptual framework, and gaps in research
  • Chapter three contains the research design, study area, population, sample size and sampling technique, validity, reliability, source of data, operationalization of variables, research models, and data analysis method
  • Chapter four contains the data analysis and the discussion of the findings
  • Chapter five contains the summary of findings, conclusions, recommendations, contributions to knowledge, and recommendations for further studies.
  • References: The references are in APA
  • Questionnaire


Abstract of Audience Perception of Television Magazine Programme of Channels Television Towards Democratic Development

The study examines audience perception of television magazine programme of Channels television towards democratic development. The study was anchored on the agenda setting theory of mass communication which depends on how the mass media set the discussion topic for the public through their broadcast. The population of the study was the total number of viewers of the station in Abraka. One hundred and twenty copies of the questionnaire were administered to the same number of respondents (purposive sample). The study concluded that politics is one issue that is been discussed than other issues in the society. Political issues discussed are recent and they concern the people and political issues appeared daily on Sunrise Daily and is given a considerable time. The study recommended that political issues should be opened for rural people so that they can understand the trend in political environment and recent political events should be explained with reference to old political activities for the people to understand historical development of Nigeria democracy.




Chapter One of Audience Perception of Television Magazine Programme of Channels Television Towards Democratic Development


Background to the Study

The media through its constant broadcast of political programme can bring political and social change. Apart from the colonial rule fight and the victory, television programmes were the major force for the return of democracy in 1999. According to Tsegyu and Dogara (2016), the giant stride by the Nigeria media was carried all through to the first second and the fourth republics respectively. Even during the period of military rule. Nigeria media through political programmes fought gallantly for the restoration of democracy. This struggle culminates and usher the nation to a new era of fourth republic in May 1999. This democratic function is what is upholding the country from the return to military rule.

One of such function of the media is the television Magazine programme. Television is one of the best ways to package democratic programme for the development of democratic system in Nigeria. Television programme aimed at providing opportunity for political elites to discuss public affairs as it affect the government and the gives direction and expose the wrong doings of the segment of a television magazine is the current affairs.

A magazine programme of television comes like current affairs programme. It is targeting the current government activities. According to Unaligu (2007), current affairs programme is news base television message or package when treat in-dept, contemporary issues, subjects or events of interest to the viewing public with the aim of informing or educating the viewers. The programme segment opens the truth about an issue of discussion for the viewers. Hetstronist and Tukachrisky (2006), discovered that they learn for the purpose. Current affairs segment of magazine programme of channels television is is truly the type of communication to mobilize public support and cooperation in any social for government policy. The communication doesn’t include only objective reporting of instruction. In this way, they could play vital role in the world struggle to promote democracy. Television’s current affairs programme is feature in television magazine programme. This consists of news and discussion. Audience perception to magazine programme of television indicated that it form a platform for participation.

According to Maryann (2010) explained that people of higher status are better educated and they develop high level of regards to knowing what exactly is happening in political, economic and social class in the society. These contents affect the audience reasoning for democtratic development, Tolso (2007) exposed that television channels especially for news channels produced programmes to affect the audience societal values and also built a public opinion about political perception on politics and news.

It is observed that political discussion on political issues brings the platform for democratic development. This is done for public opinion development. Umar, Amin and Rasheed (2014), television magazine programme is concerns about the effects of critical poilitical process they are also measuring the effects of television discussion show on the minds of the viewers.

Democracy is a system of government where the people supremacy is respected and accepted at all time. Fleck and Hansen (2002), averred that democratic form of government has fascinated philosophers since the first democracies appeared in ancient Greek about 2500 years ago. In the process, a number of scholars have concluded that although the term democracy is derived from Greek called demokratia, literally meaning people power, Chukwudi (2014). This translated that democracy is all about public participation in the governance of the state. This gives the people the franchise to partake in government decisions making that affect the country and its peoples within and outside.

The use of television programmes is paramount in democratic development in Nigeria. Going by the historical development between Nigeria and the media, one can appreciate the close line that cords the two estates. The media is a parameter to check the level of democratic development. These programme especially political oriented are for government public policy to have sway among the people as well as the people participating through feedback mechanism. According to Menon (2006), television plays unimaginable role in the construction of this public sphere.

Television station keeps in mind the audience by them with different programmes. This study is on the magazine programme. It is a particular programme that house different segments which include news, discussion and sports. In channels television, which is the scope of this study, the magazine programme is called Sunrise Daily. This programme is use for political development. According to Tsegyu and Dogara (2016), the press, radio and television and other agencies of the mass media shall all times be free to uphold the fundamental objectives of Nigeria democracy through it watch dog responsibility to ensure more accountable government to the people.

These functions are based on people oriented prgramme that give opportunities to political analysts to come to discuss the affairs of the nation. Nkana (20160, the current affairs programme of a typical magazine programme in television station is based on detailed analysis and discussion of news stories that recently occurred or are ongoing at the time of broadcast.

The place of public contribution to a news peg is one important function magazine programme contribute to the development of the country. Ojo (2015), pointed out that the media and political system are involved in an intricate nexus of relationship, cooperation and complimentary activities all geared at promoting individual and collective interest of the society. Soola (2009), observed that a virile television is the bastion democracy and good governance. Obilade (1999) opinioned that television as a genre of mass media constitute an activities force in realization of the goal of the evolution of sustainable democratic development and process.

Statement of the Problem

Television has been a means for political development in Nigeria. There is a close relationship between Democracy and the media in Nigeria. This relationship has be the contribution of television to democracy in Nigeria. Television has different programmes that target on democratic development of Nigeria. One of the most prominent of these programmes is the magazine programme. Many political topics are discussed and part ways are given by different political professionals’ e.t.c. It gives opportunities for political discussion.

However, there are issues around the political environment that magazine programmes do not impact of the democratic development of the country as such; the discussion is just a jamboree. Therefore, the present research is to investigate and examine the role of television magazine on the development of Nigeria democracy with a view to close knowledge gap as regards to the type of issues discuss in Channels Television Sunrise Daily magazine programme, the frequency of democratic discussion on Channels Television Sunrise Daily magazine programme, measure the extent at which Channels Television Sunrise Daily contribute to democratic development in Nigeria and audience perception of Channels Television Sunrise Daily magazine programe.

.Objective of the Study

The research was based on the following objectives;

  1. To determine the type of issues discuss in Channels Television Sunrise Daily magazine programme.
  2. To find out the frequency of democratic discussion on Channels Television Sunrise Daily magazine programme.
  3. To measure the extent at which Channels Television Sunrise Daily contribute to democratic development in Nigeria.
  4. To ascertain audience perception of Channels Television Sunrise Daily magazine programe.

 Research Questions

The research was guided by the following research questions

  1. What is the type of issues discussed in Channels Television Sunrise Daily magazine programme?
  2. What is the frequency of democratic discussion on Channels Television Sunrise Daily magazine programme?
  3. What is the extent at which Channels Television Sunrise Daily contribute to democratic development in Nigeria.
  4. What is the audience perception of Channels Television Sunrise Daily magazine programme?

Significance of the Study

The study focus on the audience perception of television magazine programme with specific importance to add to knowledge on the type of issues discussed in Channels Television Sunrise Daily magazine programme, the frequency of democratic discussion on Channels Television Sunrise Daily magazine programme, the extent at which Channels Television Sunrise Daily contribute to democratic development in Nigeria and the audience perception of Channels Television Sunrise Daily magazine programme.

The result of the research will be of great value to television station as the findings will expose the attitude and perception of viewers towards Sunrise Daily in a way to help them increase the effectiveness of the programme. Also, the findings will bring to the knowledge of media practitioners and the government to a stand point that media is a way for monitoring public opinion and political participation.

Scope of the Study

The study covers one year as time frame which is from January to December 2018. The choice for this period is because of the prevalence discussion for the 2019 general election in Nigeria. The focus for this study is the Sunrise Daily of Channels television.  

Definition of Terms

Perception: This is the attitude or state of mind of audience towards television programmes.

Audience: These are cross section of people who watch television programme. They are also regarded as receivers of television messages.


Television: This is electronic media that combine the use of audio and visual signals. Television is an information disseminating media that gives the audience pportunity to view contents.

Democracy: This is the government of the people for the people and by the people. It explains a type of government where power is given to the people to exercise in accordance to the constition.

Development: Development is the process of growth of democracy over a period of time against the instrument experience with the time frame. It is the measure of achievement of democratic growth.

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