Education Project Topics

Attitude of Parents and Teachers Toward Sex Education for Upper Primary School Pupils in Okitipupa Local Government Area of Ondo State

Attitude of Parents and Teachers Toward Sex Education for Upper Primary School Pupils in Okitipupa Local Government Area of Ondo State


Attitude of Parents and Teachers Toward Sex Education for Upper Primary School Pupils in Okitipupa Local Government Area of Ondo State

Content Structure of Attitude of Parents and Teachers Toward Sex Education for Upper Primary School Pupils in Okitipupa Local Government Area of Ondo State

  • The abstract contains the research problem, the objectives, methodology, results, and recommendations
  • Chapter one of this thesis or project materials contains the background to the study, the research problem, the research questions, research objectives, research hypotheses, significance of the study, the scope of the study, organization of the study, and the operational definition of terms.
  • Chapter two contains relevant literature on the issue under investigation. The chapter is divided into five parts which are the conceptual review, theoretical review, empirical review, conceptual framework, and gaps in research
  • Chapter three contains the research design, study area, population, sample size and sampling technique, validity, reliability, source of data, operationalization of variables, research models, and data analysis method
  • Chapter four contains the data analysis and the discussion of the findings
  • Chapter five contains the summary of findings, conclusions, recommendations, contributions to knowledge, and recommendations for further studies.
  • References: The references are in APA
  • Questionnaire.


Chapter One of  Attitude of Parents and Teachers Toward Sex Education for Upper Primary School Pupils in Okitipupa Local Government Area of Ondo State



In contemporary society the issue of Sex is no longer a secret matter. Sex and other sexual activities is being publicized in all most every medium of communications such as the radio, television, social media and the internet. Consequently, the adverse effect of not educating our young ones about sex and the outcome of sex will be great. Sex is defined as the physical activity of touching each other’s body kissing and sexual intercourse. Sex Education is the transfer of knowledge, information regarding sex, sexual activity, sexual reproduction, age of consent, safe sex, birth control and sexual abstinence. This is comprehensive sex education. The primary sources of sex education are the parents, teachers in schools, public health programs. Tupper, Kenneth (2013). Traditionally, many young people were not given sex education in time past as it was considered a sin to expose them to such knowledge. The parents who were considered to provide sex education neglected it and teachers in schools were not in agreement with the subject matter thereby, leading to many unwanted pregnancies, high rate of abortions among teenagers and deaths.

Currently, with the high rate of sexually transmitted diseases, it is highly imperatives that sex education be given to our young people so as to prevent them from getting into the act so early in life. Teaching sex education in primary school is essential to let them know the consequences of early sex life. The introduction of sex education will also enable the teachers to give correct factual information to teenagers on the development of their sexual organ and period of puberty. These commences between the 11-12 years for the girls 14-15years for the boys and in the boys between fourteen to fifteen (14-15) years. It is apparent that this will reduce the rate of unwanted pregnancy and abortion in the society. The study seeks to appraise the attitude of parents and teachers toward sex education for upper primary school pupils in Okitipupa local government area of Ondo state.



The level of conventional and unconventional means of exposure to sex and sexual activities is high in our contemporary society. Young teenagers are exposed to sex in the internet, TV stations, social media, and schools and in the society at large. Therefore, the notion of preventing them from sex education leads to grave consequences of unwanted pregnancies, abortions, sexually transmitted diseases etc. But despite the present high rate of youth unwanted pregnancies and abortions, some parents and teachers still exhibit the unwillingness and reluctance to give sex education to the young ones. The study seeks to investigate the attitude of parents and teachers toward sex education for upper primary school pupils in Okitipupa local government area of Ondo state.


The main study objective is to investigate attitude of parents and teachers toward sex education for upper primary school pupils in Okitipupa local government area of Ondo state; while the specific objectives of the study include:

  1. To determine the attitude of primary school teachers and parents towards sex education.
  2. To appraise the effects of sex education on upper primary school pupils in Okitipupa LGA of Ondo state.
  3. To determine the roles of primary school teachers and parents on sex education.


    i.        What is the attitude of primary school teachers and parents towards sex education?

   ii.        What are the effects of sex education on upper primary school pupils in Okitipupa LGA of Ondo state?

 iii.        What is the role of primary school teachers and parents on sex education?


Ho1: There is no significant effect of sex education on upper primary school pupils in Okitipupa LGA of Ondo state.  


The study seeks to provide an evaluative appraisal of the attitude of parents and teachers toward sex education with the view of identifying the challenges of providing information to relevant stakeholders for the determination of desirable solutions.


The study focuses on the investigation of the attitude of parents and teachers toward sex education for upper primary school pupils in Okitipupa local government area of ondo state.


 The study was confronted with logistic and geographical constraint.


       SEX   DEFINED

 This refers to the physical activity of sexual act of kissing and sexual intercourse


Exposition to indiscriminate sexual act outside marriage.


A tendency expressed for the like or dislike of a thing.

Sex Education is the transfer of knowledge, information regarding sex, sexual activity, sexual reproduction, age of consent, safe sex, birth control and sexual abstinence.


The termination of unwanted pregnancy through drugs or instrument.


A consensual and contractual relationship between spouses recognized by law. 

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