Abstract Of Attitude of Nurses Towards Relapse Prevention Among Psychiatric Patients
The problem of every hospital when the targeted objective is not achieved is that there is something wring either with health care givers, the patients or the general public. In order to improve the standard of health of the patients and keep them progressively fit. The reason why such lapse are present here to be sought and the remedy met in order to achieve the set objective of the hospital. This study is based on the Attitude of nurses towards Relapse prevention among psychiatric patients in Federal neuropsychiatric hospital Barnawa Kaduna. The aim and objective of this study are all directed towards bringing out lasting solutions to curtail this menace. It also intends to actively involve the management of the hospital especially on employing new and scientific approach to holistic patient care. The instruments used for data collection were from interview and Questionnaire which were represented in tabular form, bar chart, pie chart and percentages. Nurses were used for the study .the data collected were analyzed. The result showed that many factor contribute to the effect of relapse. All these can be prevented through adequate Education, Family oriented therapies, good social support, compliance and keep the follow-up appointment