Medical and Health Science Project Topics

Attitude of Ebonyi State University Social Studies Undergraduates Towards the Use of Family Planning Devices.

Attitude of Ebonyi State University Social Studies Undergraduates Towards the Use of Family Planning Devices.


Chapter One of Attitude of Ebonyi State University Social Studies Undergraduates Towards the Use of Family Planning Devices.




Family planning services comprises of an educational, comprehensive medical or social activities which enhances  individuals, including students, to freely determine  the spacing  and number of their children to adopt and to  the decision to select the means to achieve it. W.H.O, (2000). Family planning provides for the determination of the number of children a woman wishes to have, the choice to stay without a child, the child bearing age etc. Family planning is influenced by external factors including career factor, marital condition, financial capability etc. When couples are sexually active, the use of contraception and other family planning devices become imperative to family planning to control the timing of reproduction. Some of the family planning techniques commonly used include sexuality education, prevention and management of sexually transmitted infections,[3] pre-conception counseling[3] and management, and infertility management.[2] Family planning as defined by the United Nations and the World Health Organization encompasses services leading up to conception and does not promote abortion as a family planning method,[4] although levels of contraceptive use reduces the need for abortion.[5]

Family planning is sometimes used as a synonym or euphemism for access to and the use of contraception. However, it often involves methods and practices in addition to contraception. Additionally, there are many who might wish to use contraception but are not, necessarily, planning a family (e.g., unmarried adolescents, young married couples delaying childbearing while building a career); family planning has become a catch-all phrase for much of the work undertaken in this realm. Contemporary notions of family planning, however, tend to place a woman and her childbearing decisions at the center of the discussion, as notions of women’s empowerment and reproductive autonomy have gained traction in many parts of the world. It is most usually applied to a femalemale couple who wish to limit the number of children they have and or to control the timing of pregnancy also known as spacing children. The






There are many reasons as to why women do not use contraceptives. These reasons include logistical problems, scientific and religious concerns, limited access to transportation in order to access health clinics, lack of education and knowledge and opposition by partners, families or communities plus the fact that no one is able to control their fertility beyond basic behavior involving conception.

UNFPA says that “efforts to increase access must be sensitive to cultural and national contexts, and must consider economic, geographic and age disparities within countries.” [18]

UNFPA states that, “Poorer women and those in rural areas often have less access to family planning services. Certain groups — including adolescents, unmarried people, the urban poor, rural populations, sex workers and people living with HIV also face a variety of barriers to family planning. This can lead to higher rates of unintended pregnancy, increased risk of HIV and other STIs, limited choice of contraceptive methods, and higher levels of unmet need for family planning.” [18]

For national, international, or local health programs involved in family planning, the use of standard indicators[94] is increasingly encouraged, to track barriers to effective family planning along with the efficacy, uptake, and provision of family planning services.[95]



The Main Objective of the study is to appraise the causes and effect of outbreak of cholera in jere local government of borno state; The specific objectives include

1 To determine the nature of cholera.

2 To determine the causes and effect of outbreak of cholera.

3 To determine the causes and effect of outbreak of cholera in jere local government of borno state.



1 What is the nature of cholera?

2 What is the causes and effect of outbreak of cholera?

3 What is the causes and effect of outbreak of cholera in jere local government of borno state?





The statement of the hypothesis for the study is stated in Null as follows

HO   The causes of cholera in jere local government of borno state is high.

HO The effect of outbreak of cholera in jere local government of borno state is negative.



The study proffers an appraisal of the causes and effect of outbreak of cholera in jere local government of borno state. It provides relevant data for the effective formulation and implementation of policies to enhance the realization of envisaged objective.




The study proffers an appraisal of the causes and effect of outbreak of cholera in jere local government of borno state.



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