Assessment of the Whistle Blower Policy of the Federal Government of Nigeria: Issues, Solutions and Benefits
Content Structure of Assessment of the Whistle Blower Policy of the Federal Government of Nigeria: Issues, Solutions and Benefits
- The abstract contains the research problem, the objectives, methodology, results, and recommendations
- Chapter one of this thesis or project materials contains the background to the study, the research problem, the research questions, research objectives, research hypotheses, significance of the study, the scope of the study, organization of the study, and the operational definition of terms.
- Chapter two contains relevant literature on the issue under investigation. The chapter is divided into five parts which are the conceptual review, theoretical review, empirical review, conceptual framework, and gaps in research
- Chapter three contains the research design, study area, population, sample size and sampling technique, validity, reliability, source of data, operationalization of variables, research models, and data analysis method
- Chapter four contains the data analysis and the discussion of the findings
- Chapter five contains the summary of findings, conclusions, recommendations, contributions to knowledge, and recommendations for further studies.
- References: The references are in APA
- Questionnaire
The evolution of the whistle blowing policy of the federal government came as a result of the deepening financial crises confronting the nation which is the effect of the high level of corruption reflected in in the theft and diversion of public funds for personal enrichment at the detriment of the poor and vunerable and the economic state of the nation. A definition offered by the World Bank views corruption as the abuse of public office for private gain. While agbu (2003) describe it as the theft of state Asset or Diversion of State resources for private use. Aluko proffered nine forms of corruption which include Fraud , Embezzlement , Favouritism ,Nepotism, Political corruption (grand) , Bureaucratic corruption (petty) , Electoral corruption , Bribery , (Aluko, 2009:5) .The consequencies of Corruption exact a lot of negative impact on every aspect of the nations development: social, economic and political (Igbuzor, 2008).According to Ikubaje (2004) The effect of corruption has raised a global concern because of its effect on individual, institutions, and nations (Igbuzor, 2008).The Lima Declaration, states the impacts of corruption to include: the subversion of the rule of law, retardation of development, economic rights of the poor and vulnerable, destruction of the of the moral life of the people , violation of the social and undermining of democracy, and denial of society, particularly the poor, denial of the benefits of free and open competition (Igbuzor, 2008).
Chapter One of Assessment of the Whistle Blower Policy of the Federal Government of Nigeria: Issues, Solutions and Benefits
Background To The Study
The whistleblowing policy was instituted the federal ministry of finance and approved by the federal government to facilitate the divulsion of information regarding the violation of financial regulations, misappropriation of public funds and assets, theft of public funds, financial malpractice, and fraud .Consequently an on-line portal was created to enhance the disclosure of information regarding the mismanagement of public funds and assets, financial malpractice ,fraud , theft , violation of financial regulations, in the best interest of the public .
According to Mrs. Kemi Adeosun the Nigerian federal minister of finance, the basic objective of the policy is to facilitate the fight for the eradication of financial crimes and corruption, through the exposure of such financial crimes and the provision of rewards to whistle-blowers.
Consequently the policy offers protection to whistle-blowers which covers them from harassment or intimidation by their employers or bosses. The benefit of the policy is believed will increase transparency and accountability in the management of public funds and the recovery of looted public fund for the deployment of infrastructural development. This will enhance a corruption-free society and the attraction of foreign investor’s .Niyi Akinnaso’s (2016). Therefore the research seek to proffer an Assessment of the Whistle Blower policy of the Federal Government of Nigeria: Issues, solutions and Benefits
Statement of the Problem
Nigerias as long being confronted with the issue of corruption which has eluded the nation of great resources that would have been used for developing infrastructure and the improvement of the living standard of the people. A definition offered by the World Bank views corruption as the abuse of public office for private gain. While agbu (2003) describe it as the theft of state Asset or Diversion of State resources for private use. Aluko proffered nine forms of corruption which include Fraud , Embezzlement , Favoritism ,Nepotism, Political corruption (grand) , Bureaucratic corruption (petty) , Electoral corruption , Bribery , (Aluko, 2009:5)The devasting effect of this menace has deepened the Nigerian economy into a state of financial crisises. Consequently as a measure to recover looted funds and illicit gotten wealth from government officials, the Nigerian federal government enacted the wistle blowing policy. According to Mrs. Kemi Adeosun the Nigerian federal minister of finance, the basic objective of the policy is to facilitate the fight for the eradication of financial crimes and corruption, through the exposure of such financial crimes and the provision of rewards to whistle-blowers. Consequently the policy offers protection to whistle-blowers which covers them from harassment or intimidation by their employers or bosses. The benefit of the policy is believed will increase transparency and accountability in the management of public funds and the recovery of looted public fund for the deployment of infrastructural development. Which will enhance a corruption-free society and the attraction of foreign investors? Therefore the problem confronting the research is to appraise the Assessment of the Whistle Blower policy of the Federal Government of Nigeria: Issues, solutions and Benefits
Objectives of the Study
- To determine the whistle blowing policy and it significance.
- To determine the impact of the whistle blowing policy on the corruption level in Nigeria.
- To examine the challenges of the whistle blowing policy in Nigeria.
Research Questions
- What is the meaning of the Whistle blowing policy?
- What is the significance of the whistle blowing policy?
- What is the impact of the whitles blowing policy on the level of corruption in Nigeria?
- What are the challenges of the whistle blowing policy in Nigeria?
Significance of the Study
The study shall proffer a detail appraisal of the whitles blowing policy and elucidate on its significance.
The study shall determine the impact of the whitles blowing policy on the level of corruption on the Nigerian Economy
Research Hypothesis
Ho The impact of the whitles blowing policy on the Corruption level in Nigeria is Low
Hi The impact of the whitles blowing policy on the Corruption level in Nigeria is high
Scope of the Study
The study proffers an Assessment of the Whistle Blower policy of the Federal Government of Nigeria: Issues, solutions and Benefits
Limitations of the Study
The issue of geographical factor and logistics were some of the limitations confronting the research
Definition of Terms
A whistleblower is regarded as a person who offers information of a possible misconduct of misappropriation of public funds, theft of state assest or diversion of state resources for private aggrandizement in the best interest of the public.
According to the World Bank corruption is defined as the abuse of public office for private gains. The theft of state assets, or the diversion of state resources (in Agbu, 2003:3).
Agbu, Osita (2003) “Corruption and Human Trafficking: The Nigerian Case” in West Africa Review 4(1)1-13.
Aluko, Yetunde A. (2009) “Corruption in Nigeria: Concepts and Dimension” in Enweremadu David U. and Okafor, Emeka E. (eds.) Anti-Corruption Reforms in Nigeria Since 1999: Issues, Challenges and the Way Forward. IFRA Special Research Issue Volume 3, 1-8.
Igbuzor, Otive (2008) Strategies for Winning the Anti-Corruption War in Nigeria Abuja: Action Aid
Niyi Akinnaso’s (2016) Nigeria’s whistles- blower policy. Article in the Punch news paper