Chapter One of Assessment of Performance Evaluation on Employees in Peugeot Automobile Nigeria Limited (Pan) Kaduna
Background To The Study
Employee job evaluation is defined as the review and assessment of employee job performance. Many organizations maintain a policy to systematically evaluate the performances of their employees on a periodic basis such as annually. Some of the assessments are conducted at the end of the year or during the employees’ anniversary. For example if an employee was employed in January then the employees evaluation is conducted in January; if it was in December then it is done in December. The basic objective of a performance evaluation system is to determine an measure an employee’s equitable contribution to the basic goals and objective of the organization, the workforce, obtain an accurate documentation appraisal to secure both the employer and employee, and to determine the level of quality and quantity of work produced by the employee. Ruth Mayhew(1985)
Peugeot Automobile Nigeria Limited, was conceived in a plan in 1969 by the then Federal Military Government of General Yakubu Gowon .Consequently it the bid the actualize the dream, 16 reputable vehicle manufacturing firms were requested to tender their proposals for consideration and subsequent approval for the establishment of a vehicle assembly plant in the country. However with the wide acceptability of the Peugeot car brand in Nigeria, the proposal of Automobile Peugeot France (AP France) scaled through on May 7, 1971. PAN Nigeria Limited came on board as a joint venture between the Federal Government and AP France, and was incorporated on December 15, 1972 and by the 27 months after incorporation, the peogeot manufacturing assembly plant was commissioned by General Yakubu Gowon on March 11, 1975 with its base in kaduna.The research therefore seek to proffer an Assessment of performance evaluation on employees in peugeot automobile Nigeria limited (PAN) Kaduna
Statement of the Problem
The need for organization to conduct employee performance evaluation in other to determine the quantitative and qualitative abilities of their staffs as means of providing the needed
Training and development to help them improve on performance is vital for the growth and overall efficiency of the organization. Employee job evaluation is defined as the review and assessment of employee job performance. Many organizations maintain a policy to systematically evaluate the performances of their employees on a periodic basis such as annually. Some of the assessments are conducted at the end of the year or during the employees’ anniversary The basic objective of a performance evaluation system is to determine an measure an employee’s equitable contribution to the basic goals and objective of the organization, the workforce, obtain an accurate documentation appraisal to secure both the employer and employee, and to determine the level of quality and quantity of work produced by the employee. Ruth Mayhew(1985)
. Therefore Performance evaluations enhance employers with an opportunity to evaluate the contributions of their employees to the organization, and the essential contribution to team work and objectives. However inspite of the significance of employee performance evaluation, some firms treat it with levity sometimes because of the criticism of employees and sometimes because of the stress involved in the process and often because of the difficulties of criticizing employees with whom they are familiar .However the significance and advantage of performance evaluations far exceeds the challenges confronted. Therefore it is essential to adopt and maintain a suitable performance evaluation system which will require a a standard evaluation form, standardized performance measures, policy for delivering feedback, and procedures for disciplinary action, performance evaluations therefore set the required standards for employee performance ,enhance staff promotion, and motivation as well as promote effective communication in the organization. Consequently the problem confronting the research is to proffer an Assessment of performance evaluation on employees in Peugeot automobile Nigeria limited (PAN) Kaduna
Objectives of the Study
To determine the relevance of performance evaluation on organization employees
To proffer an Assessment of performance evaluation on employees in Peugeot automobile Nigeria limited (PAN) Kaduna
Research Questions
What is the impact of performance evaluation on employees
What is the relevance of performance evaluation on employees in Peugeot automobile Nigeria limited (PAN) Kaduna
Significance of the Study
The research seek to reaffirm the need for organization to conduct employee performance evaluation
To determine the quantitative and qualitative abilities of their staffs as means of providing the needed
Training and development to help them improve on performance.
Research Hypothesis
Ho The impact of Performance Evaluation on employees in Peugeot automobile Nigeria limited (PAN) Kaduna Is low
Hi The impact of Performance Evaluation on employees in Peugeot automobile Nigeria limited (PAN) Kaduna Is high
Scope of the Study
The study focuses on the Assessment of performance evaluation on employees in peugeot automobile Nigeria limited (PAN) Kaduna
Limitations of the Study
The study was confronted with some constraints as logistics and geographical factors.
Definition of Terms
Planning places obligations on the supervisors to set performance standards and goals so as to provide direction to the employees in the channeling of their efforts toward achieving the goals and objectives of the organization. Consequently Performance planning leads to a Performance Plan.
Monitoring must be carried out systematically the give direction to employee performance. Therefore the supervisors are expected to monitor assignments and projects, measuring performance and the provision of feedback to employees on a regular basis.
Developing is aim at determining the developmental needs of employees so as to elevate employee’s level of performance through training, higher responsibility and the introduction of new skills.
Evaluation/Assessment is the process whereby the supervisor assesses or appraises the employee’s performance with a view to determining the employees’ qualitative and quantitative ability and contribution to the goal and objective of the firm and to provide feedback to help the employee improve performance.
This involves the recognition of the employees’ contribution towards the fundamental objectives of the organization individually and as a member of a team