The arrival of new information and communication technologies has increased the complexity of competition in today’s world; thus, the competitive aspects of the use of new technologies are essential for local and international businesses in order to gain an appropriate share of local markets. It is important to note that as societies progress, consumers in the domestic market have changed dramatically (Bareham, Jonathan R., 2004). As a result, it has become necessary for businesses to understand these advancements and navigate to E-marketing as a strategy to keep up with consumer behavior. E-marketing is a system and a marketing strategy that uses the internet and other social media to carry out marketing activities such as market research, market feasibility studies, promotion, advertising, and so on (Cynthia J. Bean, Leroy Robinson JR. 2002). Many governments have considered transitioning to a knowledge-based economy since the arrival of the information age. In the knowledge-based economy, new strategic and marketing roles are rapidly emerging. This is due to the numerous changes that are occurring in the business environment. Value creation opportunities are changing as the economy changes as a result of technological advances, or new opportunities for value creation are created (Srivastavaa, R. K., Faheyb, L., Kurt Christensen H. 2001). Many organizations seek to identify and capitalize on these advantages, as well as analyze their customers’ web behavior, in order to reap the benefits of information and communication through this understanding. This advantage is known as a knowledge-based asset. (Sirvastava et al., 2001) As a result, investigations into traditional assumptions of value creation, business structure, and decisions about methods, strategies, and tactics should be reviewed and evaluated. The unique role of marketing in creating and exploiting new opportunities becomes clear as its efficiency improves, influencing consumer purchasing behavior and patronage (Robinson and Cynthia, 2002). As a result, the purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between an effective e-marketing strategy and consumer purchasing patterns.
The evolution of technology has emanated the advancement of marketing activities from traditional marketing base to E-marketing systems. This system, however, has taken the field of marketing to a totally new potential environment. This is because most economic and non-economic organizations and even individuals have advanced to the use of the internet for performing many activities, thereby having their attentions on the internet and social media. Hence, this advancement has affected most traditional systems of marketing such as the use of leaflets, posters, hand bills etc. However, the change in the consumer environment was identified as an opportunity rather than a challenge to the field of marketing as E-marketing emerged. E-marketing has rapidly taken the marketing field to a point of efficiency and effectiveness as it captures more audiences and is perceived to be convenient for consumers. This is due to the fact that e-marketing provides a broader range of services across the globe and a more precise society.
The basic aim of this study is to examine the influence of E-Marketing Strategy on Consumer Purchasing Behavior. Below are the specific objectives
1. Investigate if E-marketing is welcomed by consumers.
2. Identify if E-marketing has a positive impact on consumers’ purchasing behaviour
3. Analyze the significance of E-marketing to consumers and businesses.
Ho1: E-marketing is not welcomed by consumers
Ho2: E-marketing has no positive impact on consumers purchasing behaviour.
This study is relevant in the following ways;
1. This study will educate small business owners and young entrepreneurs on the massive benefits of e-marketing.
2. This research will also benefit and enlighten marketing firms and other business organizations by revealing the rate of effectiveness of digital marketing when compared to other marketing strategies.
3. Finally, this study will add to existing literature on the topic under review. As a result, it will be relevant to researchers, students, and other academics who may want to read to gain knowledge or conduct research on any topic related to this.
This study assesses the impact of E-Marketing Strategy on Consumer Purchasing Behavior, with a specific focus on determining whether E-marketing is welcomed by consumers, identifying the impact of E-marketing on consumers’ purchasing behavior, and analyzing the significance of E-marketing to consumers and businesses.
The major constrain of this study is the time factor, as the researcher had a small time frame to carry out this study. More so, financial constrains and the attitude of the respondents were also major key factors that limited this study.
E-marketing: This is also known as digital marketing. It is the component of marketing that utilizes internet and online based digital technologies such as desktop computers, mobile phones and other digital media and platforms to promote products and services
Consumer Behavior: Consumer behaviour is the study of individuals, groups, or organizations and all the activities associated with the purchase, use and disposal of goods and services, and how the consumer’s emotions, attitudes and preferences affect buying behaviour.
Marketing Strategy: Marketing strategy is a process that can allow an organization to concentrate its limited resources on the greatest opportunities to increase sales and achieve a sustainable competitive advantage.