Public Health Project Topics

Assessment of Covid-19 Safety Compliance Level of Traders in Wuse Market, Abuja





Safety is the state of being “safe”, the condition of being protected from harm or other non-desirable outcomes. Safety can also refer to the control of recognized hazards in order to achieve an acceptable level of risk (wikipedia 2021). However the safety of human lives has at this recent times become the major priority and concern of the World’s Government due to the unprecedented outbreak and widespread of a pandemic called Covid 19 in the 2019.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), coronaviruses are a family of viruses that cause illnesses ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). These viruses were originally transmitted from animals to people. SARS, for instance, was transmitted from civet cats to humans while MERS moved to humans from a type of camel. Several known coronaviruses are circulating in animals that have not yet infected humans. Countries around the world are scrambling to halt the spread of the corona-virus pandemic.

The global impact of corona virus has been well documented. This outbreak was deemed a pandemic by the World Health Organization (WHO) on 11th March 2020. As at December 2020, there has been cases confirmed in over 203 countries, areas or territories, according to the World Health Organization (WHO, 2020).

The outbreak of this virus in Nigeria brought about several safety prevention measures on all sectors of operations in Nigeria as it was described to be communicable and deadly by world health organization.


On 27 February, Nigeria confirmed its first case in Lagos State, an Italian citizen who works in Nigeria returned on 25 February from Milan, Italy through the Murtala Muhammed International Airport, fell ill on 26 February and was transferred to Lagos State Bio-security Facilities for isolation and testing. In order to contain the spread of the virus in Nigeria, the federal Government placed restrictions and preventive measures such as; use of face-mask; social distancing, use of sanitizers in washing hands and cleaning surface, this safety measures are all applicable to all sectors and individuals including market traders. However, the Government has persuaded all citizens to ensure safety compliance.

Safety compliance refers to the state of being in accordance with established safety standards and regulations. Thus, this study aims at Assessing the Covid-19 Safety Compliance Level of Traders in Wuse Market, Abuja.


Covid 19 has been termed a deadly virus which is capable of destroying human lives across the globe. However, compliance to the safety prevention measures is the major way through which the widespread of this virus can be controlled.

The Nigerian Government from the very first outbreak of this virus in Nigeria necessitated the prevention majors among citizens, sectors of the economy, businesses which traders, market women and men are inclusive. However, most markets in Nigeria are crowded and over populated by both traders and consumers. Hence the nature of these markets has initiated the unstable compliance of traders towards the preventive measures against Covid-19. Therefore this study is focused at assessing Covid-19 Safety Compliance Level of Traders, particularly in Wuse Market, Abuja.


The major aim of this study is to investigate Covid-19 safety compliance level of traders in Wuse Market Abuja. Other specific objectives include;

  1. To identity the various covid-19 safety measures put in place by the government of Nigeria
  2. To identify if traders in Wuse Market Abuja complies with the Covid-19 safety prevention measure.
  3. To examine the extent to which those traders adhere to the prevention measures.
  4. To examine the extent to which Government enforcement agencies carry out their supervisory roles in ensuring complete compliance to Covid 19 prevention measures by traders.


  1. What are the various covid-19 safety measures put in place by the government of Nigeria
  2. Do the traders in Wuse Market Abuja comply with the Covid-19 safety prevention measure?
  3. To what extent do the traders adhere the prevention measures?
  4. To what extent do the Government enforcement agencies carry out their supervisory roles in ensuring complete compliance to Covid 19 prevention measures by traders?


This study will be of unspeakable importance to the Federal and state Government as it will expose the situation of compliance by traders in Wuse Market Abuja, and the gaps the enforcement agencies creates which stipulate irregular adherence to covid 19 rules and restrictions. And the recommendations will make a great impact on how to tighten the restrictions. This study will serve as a source of information or as an academic material to the general public, students and researchers.


This study is carryout on the assessment of Covid-19 Safety Compliance Level of Traders in Wuse Market, Abuja.


The major constraints to this study were finance, time and unavailability of materials as well as some traders in Wuse market not having time to give audience to the researcher for interviews and attending to the questionnaires.


Government: The body of persons that constitutes the governing authority of a political unit or organization: such as. a : the officials comprising the governing body of a political unit and constituting the organization as an active agency.

Covid 19: This is also known as coronavirus and it is a communicable respiratory disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus that causes illness in humans.

Compliance: the act of obeying and observing that which is lawful and legal.

Traders: A trader is an individual who engages in the buying and selling of financial assets in any financial market, either for himself or on behalf of another person or institution.



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