Food Science and Technology Project Topics

Assessment of Agricultural Information on Citrus Improved Technologies Production and Marketing in Benue State

Assessment of Agricultural Information on Citrus Improved Technologies Production and Marketing in Benue State


Chapter One Of Assessment of Agricultural Information on Citrus Improved Technologies Production and Marketing in Benue State

Background To The Study

Citrus fruits constitute vital fruit crop with highest value in terms of international trade. The market for citrus fruit consist of the fresh fruit market and the processed citrus fruits market which involves mainly of  orange juice. Oranges account for most of the citrus production but significant quantities of  pomeloesgrapefruitslemons and limes are also grown. According to (UNCTAD), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, the growth in the production of citrus is attributed  predominantly to high consumer demand and preference for healthy foods,  improvements in transportation and packaging, rising incomes and  increase in cultivation areas. Changes in production were projected for the period of year 2000 to 2010 since high production levels have slowed the rate of new plantings. The New production strategy shows that the Productivity of citrus groves can be reserved at pre-Huanglongbing levels through a three pronged strategy with the aim of giving the greatest yields for the lowest costs. This is necessary as a result of the increased per acre cost of caretaking brought upon by Huanglongbing infection.  The commercial citrus caretaker is therefore forced to spray his/her block of citrus several more   times a year than normal, higher cost. Consequently the cost price of citrus per pound increase considerably .Therefore the price per pound of citrus must continue to increase in other for the business of citrus to remain profitable due to disease pressure.

Currently the use of Foliar fertilizers are spread on citrus trees at considerably higher rates than before for high yield production. Pesticide application timing, and pesticide choice is required for production efficacy.

Due to citrus green disease, the production of citrus nurseries in commercial quantities were relocated indoors so as provides clean citrus trees for the planting of citrus groves.

Citriculture  production  practices which constitute the  new best management practices for commercial citrus growers against the citrus greening disease fight include vector control, foliar nutrition, and certified young trees .The research therefore  proffer an  Assessment of agricultural information on citrus improved technologies production and marketing in Benue state


Statement of the Problem

Citrus fruits constitute vital fruit crop with highest value in terms of international trade. The markets for citrus fruit consist of the fresh fruit market and the processed citrus fruits market which involves mainly of orange juice. Oranges account for most of the citrus production but significant quantities of pomeloesgrapefruitslemons and limes are also grown. According to (UNCTAD), the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, the growth in the production of citrus is attributed  predominantly to high consumer demand and preference for healthy foods,  improvements in transportation and packaging, rising incomes and  increase in cultivation areas. However the economic cost of implementing the new production method for citrus commercial quantities is high. This is due to the increasing cost of pesticides spray to combat the deadly citrus disease Huanglongbing (HLB), called citrus greening. Currently the use of Foliar fertilizers are spread on citrus trees at considerably higher rates than before for high yield production. Pesticide application timing, and pesticide choice is required for production efficacy. The problem of the research therefore centers on the Assessment of agricultural information on citrus improved technologies production and marketing in Benue state.

Objectives of the Study

To proffer an Assessment of agricultural information on citrus improved technologies production and marketing in Benue state

Citrus fruits constitute vital fruit crop with highest value in terms of international trade. The market for citrus fruit consists of the fresh fruit market and the processed citrus fruits market which involves mainly of orange juice. Oranges account for most of the citrus production

Research Questions

What is citrus production?

What is the agricultural information on citrus improved technologies production and marketing?

What is the agricultural information on citrus improved technologies production and marketing       in Benue State?

Significance of the Study

The studies proffer an Assessment of agricultural information on citrus improved technologies production and marketing in Benue state

Research Hypothesis

Ho Citrus improved technologies production and marketing in Benue state is not effective

Hi   Citrus improved technologies production and marketing in Benue state is effective

Scope of the Study

The study focuses on the Assessment of agricultural information on citrus improved technologies production and marketing in Benue state

Limitations of the Study

The study was confronted by some constraints including logistic and geographical factors

Definition of Terms


Citrus fruits constitute vital fruit crop with highest value in terms of international trade.The market for citrus fruit consist of the fresh fruit market and the processed citrus fruits market which involves mainly of orange juice. Oranges account for most of the citrus production but significant quantities of pomeloesgrapefruitslemons and limes are also grown.



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