Building and Technology Project Topics

Assessing the Perception of Quantity Surveyor on Adoption of E-Procurement to Mitigate Corrupt Practices in Public Procurement



This study was carried out to to assess the perception of quantity surveyors on adoption of E-procurement to mitigate corrupt practices in public procurementusing Nigerian Institute of Quantity Surveyors as a case study. Specifically, the study was aimed at examining the benefits of e-procurement in public procurement; examine the extent to which the adoption of e-procurement will mitigate corrupt practices in public procurement; and examine the risks associated with adoption of e-procurement in public procurement. The study employed the survey descriptive research design. A total of 100 responses were validated from the survey. From the responses obtained and analysed, the findings revealed that there is a significant relationship between adoption of e-procurement and reduction of corruption in public procurement. This is as the Pearson correlation test showed a positive significant relationship (.821**) between adoption of e-procurement and reduction of corruption in public procurement. The study therefore recommend the Government should create a legal framework and regulatory control for e-Procurement adoption in Nigeria. More so, Construction stakeholders should be enlightened on existing internet security that ensures the safety, security and integrity of e-Procurement transactions.




E-procurement is the transition from traditional paper-based procurement to a more integrated and digital process. This process encompasses various aspects of contract purchasing and awarding in both the private and public sectors.

The construction industry is a large and complex industry with a wide range of professionals, trade associations, clients, and specialty firms all with their own agendas and allegiances (Brian and Peter, 2007). The industry is multi-organizational and heavily reliant on the exchange of large amounts of data (Akinsola, Dawood and Hobbs, 2000). Hence, it is information-hungry but notably a slow adopter of new information technology (Dawood and Sikka, 2009). The industry is currently experiencing globalization trends as its clients, partners and customers are in virtually every part of the world.

Procurement, which is the acquisition, purchase or supply of goods and services, is an important aspect of the construction industry. Many within the industry see it as a routine and repetitive processes that are labour intensive, dominated by paper works; costly but inefficient. This was before the advent of the Internet and the World Wide Web. With the introduction of internet, most businesses have embraced the use of Internet facilities to improve their performance (Brian and Peter, 2007). The increasing use of the Internet to support the execution of procurement activities in various industries gave rise to electronic (e) procurement. E-Procurement is the application of ICT tools that transforms the traditional processes of acquisition, purchase or supply of goods and services into electronic processes to improve competence and performance while enabling simplicity and automation (Philips and piotrowicz, 2006). Some of the benefits of e-Procurement identified are increase in process quality and quality of products, competitive advantage, improved collaboration, reduced procurement cost and managerial effectiveness (Teo, 2009). Several studies have been conducted on e-Procurement ranging from benefits, barriers and factors influencing the adoption of e-procurement. In Nigeria, Akpehe (2016) reported a good awareness among construction industry professionals. While Egidario et al (2016) also reported the awareness level and involvement of practitioners in Nigeria on e-Procurement as rather slow and low.



E-Procurement is more than just an online purchasing system. e-Procurement is the use of ICT tools for the acquisition, purchase, or supply of goods and services by a private or public organization through electronic processes such as e-tendering, e-awarding, e-auction, and e-sourcing. In comparison to the traditional procurement system, studies have shown that e-Procurement improves competence and performance in the construction industry globally. In Nigeria, the awareness and implementation of e-Procurement is rather low and slow especially among contracting firms. There is also limited research on the perception of quantity surveyors on e-Procurement adoption to mitigate corrupt practices in public procurement . This study aims to fill this gap by assessing quantity surveyors’ perception on e-procurement adoption.


The primary objectives of this study is to assess the perception of quantity surveyors on adoption of E-procurement to mitigate corrupt practices in public procurement. Specifically, the study seeks to:

1. Examine the benefits of e-procurement in public procurement

2. Examine the extent to which the adoption of e-procurement will mitigate corrupt practices in public procurement

3. Examine the risks associated with adoption of e-procurement in public procurement


The following questions guide this study:

1. What are the benefits of e-procurement in public procurement?

2. To what extent will the adoption of e-procurement mitigate corrupt practices in public procurement?

3. What are the risks associated with adoption of e-procurement in public procurement?


The following hypothesis was created and tested in this study:

H0: There is no relationship between adoption of e-procurement and reduction of corruption in public procurement

HA: There is a relationship between adoption of e-procurement and reduction of corruption in public procurement


The research work will critically concern with assessing the perception of quantity surveyors on adoption of E-procurement to mitigate corrupt practices in public procurement which is essential things in the government ministries for the award of public contract. It is imperative to note that this research work will be beneficial.

This study will be of benefit to the government and policy makers to see the need to adopt e-procurement in their system and awarding of contract since this has been proven to limit corruption and fraud in the public sector

The importance of the research work base on its benefit, there will be ultimate to the quantity surveyors, organization, and students of purchasing and supply department at large.

Significantly the researcher hope that this research work will provide the quantity surveyors and the government with a meaningful and useful source of information in to guess to embark on e-procurement and award of contracts.

Organization will benefit from the research finding and recommendation in the process of awarding contract and procurement.

It will also be useful to subsequent researcher and student who may wish to conduct further research in this field, it will served as data base for further study.


This study focuses on examining the benefits of e-procurement in public procurement. This study also examines the factors that prevent the adoption of e-procurement in public procurement. This study further examine the risks associated with adoption of e-procurement in public procurement. Quantity Surveyors in the Nigeria Institute of Quantity Surveyors, Lagos State form the were sampled as respondents in this study.



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