Education Project Topics

An Investigation of Leadership Attitude of School Principals and Its Effect on Their Productivity





Leadership is the behavior of a person when he is in charge of guiding the actions of a group towards a common goal. It entails setting an example for others to emulate. According to Hemphil and Loons (1955), leadership behavior is defined as the behavior of those who are technically part of a group. When leading people, it is necessary to ship according to the requirements of those being led. Depending on their needs, their goals, and attitude may be steered towards the organization’s purpose. When dread and fear emerge around the corner, a successful leader instills confidence in those around him or her. Primary and secondary school principals’ leadership behavior is a necessary tool for good administration, and it aids in the projection and promotion of learning in schools. School administrators that exhibit effective leadership behaviors are more likely to accomplish their educational goals and objectives, one of which is to develop and expand human knowledge capacity in the process of doing things(Hemphil and Loons, 1955). To lead is to steer someone in a certain direction, line of action, or other similar activity. Corbalhy published a 1975 paper on this topic.  It is the goal of a leader to foster good leadership behavior in his or her subordinates. In order to do so, he or she must first earn genuine respect for his or her own leadership abilities, and then his or her leadership must be based on functions rather than solely on his or her position in the hierarchy. Principals should instill confidence in their employees, pupils, and other interest groups inside the school environment by their leadership behavior. Considering that school is a social institution, it is essential for leaders to establish a style of leadership that promotes discipline in the workplace while also encouraging productivity and encouraging students to put out their best efforts.

The purpose of this research is to determine the leadership attitude of school administrators as well as the impact of that attitude on their productivity.


Leadership behavior or style is very significant since it is one of the most critical drivers of the success or failure of any company. For any company or group of people to be considered progressive, the leaders must maintain a high level of collaboration, motivation, and communication among their subordinates. In essence, since it is the cornerstone of the school, the leadership behavior of the principle has a significant impact on the development and advancement of teaching and learning in secondary school. Teachers’ and students’ success in the area of learning may be hindered or aided by the leadership style of the individual or group. It will almost always result in discord and dispute between staff and students, between principals and employees, and so on(Hemphil and Loons, 1955). Accordingly, principals’ leadership behavior should be one that promotes harmony, peace, and agreement in the management of schools in order to promote a conducive environment for learning as well as a healthy environment for teachers or staffs with their respective principals, which will in the long run assist students in becoming better citizens in the community. To this end, this study will attempt to determine the leadership traits of secondary school principals, along with the benefits and drawbacks of using kits. Additionally, recommendations will be made on the best leadership style to use in schools, which will promote a calm environment for both the leader and subordinate.


The general objective of the study is to examine leadership attitude of school principals  and its effect on their productivity. Specifically, the study will be guided under the following:


i.          To examine the relationship between principals leadership attitude and staff productivity.

ii.        To find out the relationship between principal leadership attitude and student academic productivity.

iii.      To investigate relationship between the principal  leadership style and the teaching and learning atmosphere among teachers and students.


The following questions have been prepared for the study:

i.          Is  there a relationship between principals leadership attitude and staff productivity.

ii.        Is there a relationship between principal leadership attitude and student academic productivity?

iii.      Is there a relationship between the principal  leadership style and the teaching and learning atmosphere among teachers and students?


The study will be significant to principals of schools as they are often regarded by their teachers as leaders in the administration and in school, Board of Education, parents and teachers and other various public people usually hold principal responsible for success and failure of school organization.

The study will be significant to the academic community as it will contribute to the existing literature.


The study will examine the relationship between principals leadership attitude and staff productivity. The study will also find out the relationship between principal leadership attitude and student academic productivity. Lastly, the study will investigate relationship between the principal  leadership style and the teaching and learning atmosphere among teachers and students. Hence this study is delimited to Akwa Ibom State.


Like in every human endeavour, the researchers encountered slight constraints while carrying out the study. Insufficient funds tend to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature, or information and in the process of data collection (internet, questionnaire, and interview), which is why the researcher resorted to a moderate choice of sample size. More so, the researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with other academic work. As a result, the amount of time spent on research will be reduced.


Leadership: the action of leading a group of people or an organization.

Attitude: a settled way of thinking or feeling about something.

School Principals: the educator who has executive authority for a school

Productivity: the state or quality of being productive.



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