Accounting Project Topics

An Investigation Into the Student Hostel Accommodation Problem in the Institute of Management and Technology (I.M.T) Enugu

An Investigation Into the Student Hostel Accommodation Problem in the Institute of Management and Technology (I.M.T) Enugu


Overview of An Investigation Into the Student Hostel Accommodation Problem in the Institute of Management and Technology (I.M.T) Enugu

An investigation into the student hostel accommodation problem in the institute of management and technology (I.M.T) Enugu, is the topic of the write up. The aim of choosing this topic is the bring to notice the problems student face in I.M.T hostel. These problem gave bad name to the school, as a result of this, parent and guardians no longer send their children to the school. These problem also affects the academic progress of the student thereby leading to the school producing half – baked graduates. The government should see to it that these problem is eradicated for a better tomorrow.

This write – up is divided into three chapters the first chapter introduced the problem, importance and definition of the terms

Chapter two discussed on the general background of the subject matter, the school of thought.

Finally, chapter three is the summary of the finding conclusion and recommendation and references were made.



Title page

Approval page




Table of content



1.1            Problem of the study

1.2            Purpose / significance of the study

1.3            Scope / limitation of the study

1.4            Definition of important terms


General background of the subject matter

2.1            School of thought within the subject area

2.2            The school of thought relevant to the problem of study

2.3            Different method of studying the problem


Summary of finding conclusion recommendation

3.1            Summary of finding

3.2            Conclusion

3.3            Recommendation



Chapter One of An Investigation Into the Student Hostel Accommodation Problem in the Institute of Management and Technology (I.M.T) Enugu


Before the establishment of the institute of management and technology (IMT) Enugu. There existed a college of technology in 1967. also in existence at then were the institute of administration and cooperation college, unfortunately none of the institute was able to meet up to the standard of an average higher institution of learning. Of course, most of their course were limited to civil servant. Not only that they cannot a ward certificate beyond ordinary national diploma (OND).

On April 1972, merged the formal college of technology with the institute of administration. Nevertheless the two sister school could not meet up with the state administration set up. A provision council to determine and recommend to the government the appropriate structure of an autonomous institution that would produce high quality technologist and technician as professional and managerial manpower in certain subject areas that would rhyme with the state and national needs edict no 10, 1973 titled “the institute of management and technology edict” was promulgated. The edict became operation from 1st July 1973 and thus gave same to    what is known as the institute of management and technology (IMT) Enugu.

Presently, the school has over populated number of student. Unfortunately the school authority in the past year did not foresee the unprecedented swelling up to the student population which affect the infrastructural facilities meant only for few student.

The student whose parents or guardian are residing outside Enugu state are exposed and forced to line in a non academic environment due to the situation of student hostel accommodation problem in institute of management and technology (IMT) Enugu.


Man is an organism with great adaptive capacity. He is able to line, however, only under special environment conduction, which determine his quality of life. His shelter requirement arose because of certain basic social and biological needs and non provision of those could be a burden discomfort and frustration. Some parents or guardians no longer send their children or ward to I.M.T because of inadequate accommodation. For this cause, an approval has been given to use by the management to go for investigation into the hostel accommodation problem in institute of management and technology (IMT) Enugu and solve the problem

Due to the accommodation problem in IMT about 80% of student especially girls who were unable to secure accommodation in the school hostel have ended up in the street soiling the good image of this noble institution.


This project will be of help t the student of management committee of tertiary institution especially instate of management and technology (IMT) Enugu as it would not only help them face the cause and effect of accommodation problem but also suggest how best to tackle them



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