Banking and Finance Project Topics

An Evaluation of Information Technology on the Banking Industry (a Case Study of First Bank of Nigeria Plc)

An Evaluation of Information Technology on the Banking Industry (a Case Study of First Bank of Nigeria Plc)


An Evaluation of Information Technology on the Banking Industry (a Case Study of First Bank of Nigeria Plc)

Content Structure of An Evaluation of Information Technology on the Banking Industry (a Case Study of First Bank of Nigeria Plc)

The abstract contains the research problem, the objectives, methodology, results, and recommendations

  • Chapter one of this thesis or project materials contains the background to the study, the research problem, the research questions, research objectives, research hypotheses, significance of the study, the scope of the study, organization of the study, and the operational definition of terms.
  • Chapter two contains relevant literature on the issue under investigation. The chapter is divided into five parts which are the conceptual review, theoretical review, empirical review, conceptual framework, and gaps in research
  • Chapter three contains the research design, study area, population, sample size and sampling technique, validity, reliability, source of data, operationalization of variables, research models, and data analysis method
  • Chapter four contains the data analysis and the discussion of the findings
  • Chapter five contains the summary of findings, conclusions, recommendations, contributions to knowledge, and recommendations for further studies.
  • References: The references are in APA
  • Questionnaires. 

Abstract Of An Evaluation of Information Technology on the Banking Industry (a Case Study of First Bank of Nigeria Plc)

Information technology is a powerful force that drives the world towards a converging commonality. From the beginning of the human era, technology has been of the most essential and most important factor for the development of mankind.

The use of Information technology broadly referring to computers has seen tremendous growth in service industries in the recent past. The most obvious example is perhaps the banking industry.


This project examines the impact of information technology on the banking industry 2000 -2009. It will also find out how growth rate in computer technology cost, interest: interbank, inflation rate, total bank asset, total deposit, number of bank branches, total computer asset cost affect the performance of First Bank of Nigeria.

The study will analyze the problem of the impact of information technology on the banking sector, effectiveness of information technology to tackle the occurrence of long queues deposits and withdrawals; facilitates fraud, saves time of customers, just to mention a few.

This study adopted the ordinary least square multiple regression analyses, Pearson correlation co-efficient of determination to examine and appraise the relationship between information technology and the banking sector of First Bank of Nigeria. The findings show that Growth rate in computer technology cost, interest rate: (inter bank), inflation rate, total bank asset, total deposit, number and bank profits of First Bank of Nigeria.

This study recommends that in order for banks to increase its profitability and carryout good operations the bank should be saddled with the responsibility of mapping out strategies and itemizing tactics to boost its capitalization.

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