Computer Science Education Project Topics

An Appraisal of the Role of Ict as a Change Agent for Quality Education in Tertiary Institution in Nigeria

An Appraisal of the Role of Ict as a Change Agent for Quality Education in Tertiary Institution in Nigeria


Chapter One Of  An Appraisal of the Role of Ict as a Change Agent for Quality Education in Tertiary Institution in Nigeria

The challenges confronting our educational system in tertiary institution centers on quality attainment of education delivery, almost everything connected with education in tertiary institution is in short supply. Quality teachers are in short supply, quality buildings, quality equipment, quality laboratories, good experimental farms and other resources input that can lead to quality education are inadequately provided. Today, there exist general disenchantment and general distrust in the quality of the education system as well as in the quality of education output.
The quality of education is the prime factor that determines the worth and significance of the system to both the recipients and the society at large. Thus, Igwe (2009) notes that, the promises of information and communication technologies (ICTs) have driven e-learning in transforming education delivery and thereby advancing the knowledge economy.
The knowledge, economy for example sets a new scene for education and new challenges and prospects for education is a pre-requisite of the knowledge based economy and the production and use of new knowledge both require a more educated population and workforce (Arikewuyo, 2004). ICTs are very powerful tool  for diffusing knowledge and information which is fundamental aspects of the education process.
In that capacity, ICTs play a pedagogic role that could in principle compliment the traditional practices of the education sector (Igwe, 2009).
Undoubtedly, e-learning powered by ICT use in tertiary institutions could help to expand and widen access to tertiary education and learning, improve the quality of education as well reduce its cost. This means that effective ICT use in tertiary institutions in Nigeria could help to spur positive results in improving the overall learning (and teaching) experiences as well as in up-lifting the quality of the system.
Therefore the research seeks to investigate the role of ICT as a change agent for quality education in tertiary institution in Nigeria.

Elele (1983) cited in Yusuf (2012) notes that quantitatively, the Nigerian Education scene in quite impressive but qualitative deficient. There exist general disenchantment and general distrust in the quality of the education system as well as in the quality of education output. (Arikewuyo, 2004) stated that ICT can play a very prominent role in diffusing knowledge and information which is fundamental aspects of the education process towards quality attainments.
In this capacity, ICT plays a pedagogic role that could in principle complement the traditional practices of the education sector.
Therefore, the problem confronting this research is to appraise the role of ICT as a change agent towards quality education in tertiary institution in Nigeria.

1.        What constitute quality in the education of tertiary institution in Nigeria?
2.        What is ICT and what constitute the role for quality education in tertiary institution in Nigeria?
3.        What constitute the fundamental objective of quality education in tertiary institution in Nigeria?
1.        To determine the nature of education in tertiary institution in Nigeria
2.        To determine what constitute quality in the education of tertiary institution in Nigeria
3.        To determine the nature of ICT and the role of ICT as a change agent towards the education of tertiary institution in Nigeria
4.        To appraise fundamental objectives of quality education attainment in tertiary institution in Nigeria.
1.        The study shall provide a framework for determining the quality standard of education in tertiary institution in Nigeria.
2.        It shall provide measure of quality standard for the education of tertiary institution in Nigeria
3.        The study shall provide detail information in ICT and the role of ICT as a change agent towards quality education in tertiary institution.
4.        it shall serve a reference source of information for educationist academic and non-academic persons students etc.
1.        H0        The quality standard in tertiary education in Nigeria is low 
H1        The quality standard in tertiary education in Nigeria is High
2.        H0        The level of ICT in tertiary education is low
H1        The level of ICT in tertiary education is High
3.        H0        The impact of ICT in the quality of education of tertiary institution is    low
H1        The impact of ICT in the quality of education of tertiary institution is high
            The study focuses on the role of ICT as a change agent for quality education in tertiary institution In Nigeria.
The Federal Ministry of Education (FME, 2009) remarked that quality standard in the education system are goals or targets to which learners, teachers, staff and school administration aspires to attain. Quality assurance in the education system therefore,  is a multi-dimensional concepts involving the various functions and activities of the education system. Such functions and activities include teaching research, staffing, students, buildings, facilities and equipment, service to the community and academic environment. It is ensuring that atleast the provision of the minimum academic standard are attained and sustained



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