Arts Education Project Topics

Acquisiton and Utilization of Islamic Education; Means of Remediating Moral Decadence Among Muslim Youths

Acquisiton and Utilization of Islamic Education; Means of Remediating Moral Decadence Among Muslim Youths


Abstract Of Acquisiton and Utilization of Islamic Education; Means of Remediating Moral Decadence Among Muslim Youths

This research study is properly designed to highlight `Acquisition and utilization of Islamic Education: Means of Remediating Moral Decadence among Muslim Youth. It aims at showcasing the impact of immoral act in the school as usual as the society such as Robbery, Raping, Smoking etc. and the possible solutions among the youth in a society. It is therefore to trace the contributions of people mostly the writers who see the immoralities to be curbed and able to maintain the Moral decadence Among the Muslim youths. For ease of the studied topic, the research project has been divided into sequential five chapters: Introduction, Literature review and theoretical framework, the topic under review, Data presentation and analysis, Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations





Truthfulness and moral value are good qualities desirable in all human beings. These qualities make one’s life worth living although there is erosion of moral values due to materialistic greed. In Nigeria today, there is rapid moral decadence cutting across adults, youths and kids in all sectors of the society. Delinquent behaviours have de-generated the psyche of people in the society to the extent that people have lost faith in the capacity of the government to uphold morals and justice. People are no longer committed as self employees, civil servants, laborer in private institutions, even as teacher, or students. All codes of conduct as far as their areas are concerned are paper work; commitment and dedication are of no significance as for public locations are concerned. Majority are after their selfish ends.

Moreover, outside schools and government institutions, there are increases in instances such as robbery, trickery, begging touting and all sorts of misfit behavior in our societies. Analysis findings have shown that majority of men and women found in these acts are mostly school dropouts, youngsters from broken homes and unemployed graduates of various institutions at diverse levels. Therefore, this calls for appropriate implementation of religious and ethical education in our schools. If curricular on religions, social and ethical education are well planned and developed and at the same time correctly implemented most of the above stated moral decadence would, if not completely eradicated be reduced to the minimal (Toyib, 2009).



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