Overview of Accounting as a Basis for Managing Public Expenditure (a Case Study of State Education Commission Enugu)
The society at large views public money as an opportunity to enriching themselves since it is not for any body beside it is our nation cake as always stated. People with questionable intentions makes good use of this opportunity in looking away most of this funds which were kept under their control as leaders.
It is on the above points, that the research had carry out a critical research with a view to knowing the extent of accountability in the public expenditure.
Carry out an in-depth study are to the causes of inadequate accountability in our public establishment and how best to control public funds. In terms of making expenditure.
To achieve a reasonable research, the researcher embarked o the research work by making an empirical survey, which will be in form of oral, and written data, which involve questionnaires and library research which formed part of the researcher secondary data.
With the above fact, the researcher analysis the research work and test the hypothesis. And the hypothesis was tested by the use of the chi-square formula, before arriving at a conclusion.
However, based on the findings, recommendations were made on how best public expenditure would be managed. It is my strong opinion that it will go a long way in alleviating the situation if fully implemented.