Accounting Project Topics

A Survey Study on Customer Perception Towards Commercial Banks ATM Services in Abuja (a Study of United Bank of Africa)





Customer satisfaction is one of the most discussed topic in banks and various organizations. In the last several years, Nigeria has made significant technical advances in the field of information and communication technologies (ICTs). This has made it easier for banks and other financial institutions to offer technology-based goods and services. Automated Teller machine (ATMs), Global System of Mobile Communications (GSM) banking, and online banking are just a few of the options available. One of the most obvious consequences of the banking industry’s post-consolidation exercise is the aggressive development and deployment of ATMs. Against all obstacles, the Nigerian e-banking sector made tremendous progress during this time (Ugwuonah, 2009).

Nigeria was named the “fastest growing ATM market in Africa” by the International Card Community and Automated Teller Machine Industry Association as a result of this. The automated teller machine (ATM), which was initially deployed in the United States in the mid-1960s and was introduced in Nigeria in 1989, has expanded to banks across the nation. At first, the few banks that ran the devices only allowed customers to use the ATMs within their own banks. However, with advancements in technology, facilities have been established to allow bank clients to withdraw funds from ATMs operated by other banks (Ugwuonah, 2009). In addition, ATMs are increasingly located in strategic locations such as hotels, transportation stations, student hostels, restaurants, and other locations to bring them closer to users. Zenith Bank was named the best overall performing bank in e-banking in Nigeria in 2007, according to a study conducted by Intermac Research (2007) on the status of electronic banking in Nigeria in 2008. Guarantee Trust Bank (GTBank) was named the bank with the most satisfied e-banking customers in Nigeria in 2007. In Nigeria, however, the United Bank for Africa (UBA) emerged as the bank with the best e-banking reach and presence in 2007.

Financial institutions and regulators are continuing to take advantage of automated teller machines’ inherent speed, accuracy, and functionality to cut costs and reduce employee work pressure, but a major question is whether banks and their employees are actually keeping to the service promise and whether customers are receiving maximum dividends. Among its equals, such as point of sale terminals (POS), telephones, and the internet, ATMs have remained to dominate in terms of consumer choice. It was well-received, with a 96 percent awareness rate (Olatokun and Igbinedion, 2009).


It is quite evident that ATM services in certain areas of Abuja have created a certain perception in the minds of the customers. These perceptions may vary from bank to bank as some banks may have a positive customer perception as they provide quality services to the various customers. Customers’ ATM demands must be determined since, while most customers will continue to see ATMs as cash dispensers, many will anticipate increasingly greater convenience, personalized experiences, and data security.


This study seeks to gather data on customer perception towards commercial bank ATM services in Abuja, with United Bank of Africa as the focal point.


The primary aim of this study is to acquire data on customer perception towards UBA’s ATM services in Abuja (FCT). Thus, the following objectives;

1. To determine the extent to which customers of UBA use their ATM services.

2. To determine the perception of the customers on the ATM services of UBA.

3. To determine whether the customers’ perceptions are negative or positive.

4. To determine the effects of the customers’ perceptions on the growth of the bank.


The following questions guide this study;

1. What is the extent to which customers of UBA use their ATM services?

2. What is the perception of the customers on the ATM services of UBA?

3. Are the customers’ perceptions positive or negative?

4. What are the effects of the customers’ perceptions on the growth of the bank?


This study will be significant to United Bank of Africa and all other commercial banks in Abuja, as the results from the findings of this study will be an eye opener as to how the customers perceive their ATM services and also how these perceptions can affect their growth. This study will be an addition to literature as limited works have been written on this subject matter, it will be an addition to the academic world as it will provide researchers with information that will guide them when conducting their own research.


This study will only cover the customer perception towards UBA’s ATM services in Abuja (FCT). Other banks will not be taken into consideration and the focus of the study will be only in Abuja.


The only limitation faced by the researcher during the course of this study was insufficient time in carrying out a deeper study on the UBA brand.


1. CUSTOMER: An individual who makes transactions with a particular brand and remains loyal to the brand in order to make subsequent transactions.

2. PERCEPTION: Refers to the opinion an individual has about a particular subject matter or in this case bank.

3. COMMERCIAL BANKS: A commercial bank is a financial institution which accepts deposits from the public and gives loans for the purposes of consumption and investment to make profit.



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