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A Survey of the Level of Application of Information Technology in Nigerian Construction Industry (a Case Study of Some Construction Firms Within Abuja & Kaduna)

A Survey of the Level of Application of Information Technology in Nigerian Construction Industry (a Case Study of Some Construction Firms Within Abuja & Kaduna)


Chapter One of A Survey of the Level of Application of Information Technology in Nigerian Construction Industry (a Case Study of Some Construction Firms Within Abuja & Kaduna)


Abstract of A Survey of the Level of Application of Information Technology in Nigerian Construction Industry (a Case Study of Some Construction Firms Within Abuja & Kaduna)

Effective planning of construction project is a fundamental of successful delivery and timely completion of project within assigned budget and time constraint . the greater the unplanned departures from logical course the greater the risk of control and possibly ah woks No doubt that application of information technology is progressing at a pace and their influence on working practice can be noticed in almost every aspect of the construction industry The potential of IT application is significant in terms of improving organization performance, management practice, communication and overall productivity.

The purpose of this research work has been to investigate the level of application of planning software in the Nigerian construction industry. Data was obtained through questionnaire administered to professionals in both public and private organization within Abuja metropolis, the information obtained from questionnaires serve as the data that was duly analyzed with simple statistical tools of bar charts, pie chart and graphical representation

The study reveal that there is very good awareness of planning the software but poor applied, also the study reveals that Microsoft project is the most widely used software by professionals. Limitations to application of planning software’s were identified as high acquisition and training cost as well as computer literacy. The research work recommend that an avenue should be created for training staff particularly on the usage and application of planning software, also undergraduate students in construction profession should be taught on how to use the software


Chapter One of A Survey of the Level of Application of Information Technology in Nigerian Construction Industry (a Case Study of Some Construction Firms Within Abuja & Kaduna)



The information technology survey and comparison has been used in some Nordic countries since 1997 with the aim to create method and to perform level maturity of information and communication in construction industries (Samuelson, 2002). As a long- term strategy the survey should be repeatable and comparable over time between countries and cover all categories of firms in the construction industries. The information barometer survey 2003, had been conducted in Singapore, the same strategy is applied which entailed a coverage of all categories of construction firms and a comparison of results between countries in order to draw meaningful conclusion about the degree or level of information communication system, current maturity as at the present level for different firms in the Nigerian construction industry. The Nigerian construction industry is hierarchical and fragmented in nature that some of the major participants do not consider themselves to be part of the same industry (Hindle, 2000).

This requires close coordination among a large number of specialized but interdependent organisations and individuals to achieve cost, time and quality goals of a construction project (Toole, 2003). Hence according to Maqsoods et al (2004), a major construction project demands heavy exchange of data and information between project participants on daily basis Rivard et al (2004), have identified the two vital roles information communication system plays in all construction projects as the specification of the resulting product (design information) and the initiation and control of activities required for constructing the facilities management information.

Design consultants (Architects, Engineers, and quantity surveyors) acting as professional advisers to the clients are largely responsible for the production and dissemination of both the design and management of information among the various projects participants. According to Mohammed and Stewart (2003), the majority of construction process information is heavily based upon traditional means of communication such as face to face meeting and the exchange of paper documentation in the form of technical drawings, specification and site instruction.

In the management of construction it requires accruable information, the need for information management efficiency by the industry. One of the computer program application is the computer-based cartography is for trans-national construction companies(TNCC)would need information system when venturing for market to increase their share of the global construction market and to achieve a higher level of global performance. A computer-based cartography is a good market information system for developing strategic market plan. Following the development of the global cartogram, further studies can be undertaken to analyse the correlations which the construction industry may have with the economic sectors. To gain a competitive edge over others the key lies in how fast the organisation can convert the vast knowledge of information into client’s value and relationships under reduced time and at lower costs.

How ever, while there are reports of the use of information and communication technology in the construction industries of industrialised countries like U.S.A., (Isa et al, 2003, toole, 2003), Canada and fin land (Samuelson, 2002) and Newzealand (Doherty, 1997), among others comparatively few of any existing for a developing country like Nigeria. This study therefore attempt to survey and to compare the level of information communication technology among construction firms and professional practice in the context of a developing economy to provide the true picture of  were we are heading to for future reference in a typical non- industrialized country.



  1. The aim of this research is to check the levels of general adoption of information technology and specific adoption in the Nigerian construction sector.
  2. To ascertain key, differences in the level of information and communication system  in construction firms concerned.



  1. To determine the level of application of information technology in Nigeria.



Due to high level of some construction firms and proximity, this research work will be restricted to limited number of construction firms within Kaduna and Abuja.




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