Education Project Topics

A Critical Study on the Effect of Cultism on Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria

A Critical Study on the Effect of Cultism on Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria


Abstract Of A Critical Study on the Effect of Cultism on Tertiary Institutions in Nigeria

The issue of cultism in our higher institutions of learning is such that has reached an alarming rate inspite of the concerted effort being mobilized against it by the government, institutions authorities, parent and students themselves.
Therefore, this research work examine the perception of students, lecturers and the society towards this menace.
It goes a long way to assess how students view or consider the menace in a diversified and interogenious society like the institution of higher learning.

The research uses discussion format as the instrument of the fact finding. However the facts gathered reveals that our institutions authorities and the students themselves have a positive altitude towards National building, else the menace may remain a barrier to the attainment of same.



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