Education Project Topics

Comparative Study of Information Seeking Behavior Habit of Social Science and Education Students of Lead City University

Comparative Study of Information Seeking Behavior Habit of Social Science and Education Students of Lead City University


Comparative Study of Information Seeking Behavior Habit of Social Science and Education Students of Lead City University

Content Structure of Comparative Study of Information Seeking Behavior Habit of Social Science and Education Students of Lead City University

  • The abstract contains the research problem, the objectives, methodology, results, and recommendations
  • Chapter one of this thesis or project materials contains the background to the study, the research problem, the research questions, research objectives, research hypotheses, significance of the study, the scope of the study, organization of the study, and the operational definition of terms.
  • Chapter two contains relevant literature on the issue under investigation. The chapter is divided into five parts which are the conceptual review, theoretical review, empirical review, conceptual framework, and gaps in research
  • Chapter three contains the research design, study area, population, sample size and sampling technique, validity, reliability, source of data, operationalization of variables, research models, and data analysis method
  • Chapter four contains the data analysis and the discussion of the findings
  • Chapter five contains the summary of findings, conclusions, recommendations, contributions to knowledge, and recommendations for further studies.
  • References: The references are in APA
  • Questionnaire.


Chapter One of Comparative Study of Information Seeking Behavior Habit of Social Science and Education Students of Lead City University

Background of the study

Uttor (1999) defined information as data value in planning, decision making and evaluation of any programme. He goes further to say that it is a data that have been subjected to some processing functions capable of answering userโ€™s query be it recorded, summarized, or simply collected that would help decision making. It is well understood in terms of books, journals, magazines, public and private sector documents of all kinds, whether published for mass circulation or unpublished and restricted or confidential in nature, results of research efforts which are made available to colleagues in form of reports, books articles and non-printed materials. From all these definitions, it is apparent that information is crucial to manโ€™s survival.

Looking at the history of mankind, we find that each century has witnessed different transformations. Accordingly, there has been new emphasis and shift in educational processes (Mangal, 2001, p.1). Education is an activity or process, which modifies the behavior of a person from instinctive to human behavior (Taneja, 2003, p.9). This definition reveals the innate truth that education aims at discovering aptitudes as well as to progressively prepare man for social activity; because of this, education through which the basic needs (food, shelter and clothing) are provided is necessary for the survival of the society.


Inspite of the fact that institutions of higher learning in Africa are generally aware of the impact, if not indispensability of ICT on teaching, learning and research, ICT is still rarely utilized to enrich teaching and learning activities in many universities because of the absence of connectivity in the institutions. institutions In another dimension, even when the connectivity is available, the level of accessibility and utilization is still poorly low. In some institutions, studentsโ€™ access is still generally poor, while only the teachers and support staff use the ICT facilities can be described as an individualโ€™s way and manner of gathering and sourcing for information for personal use, knowledge updating and development. Faire-Wessels (1990:361 in Kakai et al, 2004) referred to it as the way people search for and utilize information.

Kakai et al. (2004) observed that, often studentsโ€™ information seeking behaviour involves active or purposeful information as a result of the need to complete course assignment, prepare for class discussions seminars, workshops, conferences, or write final year research papers. To (Fister, 1992:168) undergraduate students may be smart people, but they are still finding the process of research intimidating. Fister explained that these students do not learn the basic information skills; they only end up using trial and error methods of research. This limits their capabilities to satisfy their needs. Wilsonโ€™s 1996 model noted that in the process of seeking information, problems are encountered (Mellon, 1986).

Study habits is a well planned and deliberate pattern of study, which has attained a form of consistency on the part of the students towards understanding academic subjects and passing examination (Pauk, 1962; Deese, 1952; Akinboye, 1974 cited by Oyedeji). Therefore, study can be interpreted as a planned program of subject matter master. According to Crow and Crow, (2007), the chief purposes of study are: to acquire knowledge and habits which will be useful in meeting new situations, interpreting ideas, making judgments creating new ideas and to perfect skills. Therefore, successful achievement in any form of academic activity is based upon study, interpretation and application. Everyone has different study habits. All often, students perform poorly in school simply because they lack good study habits. In many cases, students do not know where to begin. Those students in high school who succeed especially well usually study alone and follow a study technique that has been worked out by them and that incorporates desirable procedures. Good health, sufficient sleep, appropriate exercise and nutritious diet are essential to achievement of good study results. Study conditions that are unfavorable include inadequate lighting, extremes of temperatures, humidity, poor posture, subnormal physical conditions and emotional disturbance.x

Statement of the problem

Information seeking behaviour habit is important in the life of a student. It guarantee success in his/ her studies. Therefore the need arise to compare the information seeking behaviour of social science students and education students of Lead city University.

Objective of the study

The main objective of the study is to compare the information seeking behaviour habit of social science students and education students of Lead City university.

Research Questions

What is the meaning of information?

What is Information seeking behaviour?

What is the information seeking behaviour of social science students compare to that of education students?

Significance of the study

The study will help in examining and comparing the information seeking behaviour habit of social science students and education students in Lead City university. This study will also help to determine effective measures to improve information seeking behaviour habit among students of Lead city university.

1.6 Scope of the study.

This study focus on the comparative study of information seeking behaviour habit of social science students and education students of Lead city university.

Limitation of the study

This study is limited to social science students and education students of Lead city university.


Belkin, N.J Oddy, R. &. Brooks, H. (1982). Information retrieval: Pt. 1 Background theory. Journal of Documentation 38(2), 61-71.

Dervin, B. &. Nilan. (1986).Information needs and users. Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, 21: 3-33.

Ellis, D., Cox, D& Hall, K.(1993). A comparison of information-seeking patters of researchers in the physical and social sciences. Journal of Documentation 49, 356- 369.

Eskola, E.L. (1998).University students; information seeking in a changing learning environment- How are studentsโ€™ information needs, seeking and use affected by new Teaching methods? Information Research 4 (2). Available at:`is/publication/infres/isic/eeskolahtml (access on 10th February, 2006).

Ingwersen, P, &Borlund, P. (1996).Information transfer view as interactive cognitive process. In

IngwersenP.anmd N.E Pors (Editors), Information Science interaction in perspective. Copenhagen, DK. The royal School of Librarianship, 219-232.

Ingwersen, P. (1995).Information and information science. In: Allen Kent (ed.).Encyclopaedia of Library and Information Science. 56. 19. New York: Marcel Dekker. 137-174.

Uttor, J. (1999).The role of law libraries in a democratic culture. A paper presented at The 1999 NLA National Conference and AGM.Aug.15th-20th.

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