Mass Communication Project Topics

The Influence of Music Videos in Creating Awareness on Teenage Pregnancy






Communication has always been a central and essential aspect of human life. Humans cannot live without contact and it is the only way for thoughts and information to be transmitted on from one generation to the next. According to Baran (2014), contact is the transfer of knowledge from a transmitter to a recipient. “Communication has been variously described as the exchanging of thoughts, the passing of knowledge, or the method of creating a commonness or oneness of thought between a sender and a receiver.” Belch and Belch (2003, p. 139)

Communication has many purposes, including knowledge dissemination, schooling, and entertainment. These main roles are unavoidably present in our everyday lives. Individuals want further knowledge and education regarding the society in which we live, and a need to disconnect from the necessities of existence leads to the usage of content such as films, novels, comics, computer games, and so on.

Defining music is a difficult challenge since there are several meanings and none are identical. Many people have taken deliberate attempts to add sense to music in the manner that best fits them. As a result, scholars have provided their own description of music in attempts to establish a common definition. Music, as described by Levinson (1990), as cited in Davies (2015), is an art that involves a person creating sounds for the soul with the goal of strengthening experience through active interaction such as dancing, listening, and performing.

Music videos are an important part of the most important developing cultural framework of western rituals. Pop videos have had a profound influence on fashion, youth culture, and music, as well as the processes and frameworks that exist through film, advertisement, and television, but critics have previously dismissed the structure’s unique existence and cultural heritage. Music videos are an important form of communicating, either to raise knowledge of a certain issue or to inspire viewers to respond in a certain manner. They provide audiences with entertainment by involving them in audio and visual material that draws and maintains their focus on what is being watched. While they might not seem to be so, music videos are an extremely powerful tool for disseminating knowledge and reminding viewers about different important events or happenings.


According to Hogan, Bar-on, and Strasburger (2009), music videos are appealing to people, especially young audiences. Given that music videos combine two types of media that appeal to youth people, television and mainstream music, it is critical to research their impact on young audiences to be concerned with the ideas these music videos promote. Music videos have received a lot of attention. They are divided into many groups, the most common of which are idea or performance images. In the case of a music recording, a specific artist or a group of musicians is filmed during a performance, typically a concert. If design videos show a plot to the listener, the album has the potential to create a story. This tale may often add content to the lyrics and have a clear meaning that is repeated every time a person hears the music.

According to Frith, Goodwin, and Grossberg (2005), while seeing a music film, the visual section normally automatically occupies our focus, simply by arresting and individuals’ eyes by being on screen. Television seems to absorb the musical matrix irreversibly and without effort through its visual field. Simply by putting itself in the location of what it depicts, a music video draws our focus both to and away from the album. According to Vernallis (2004), the music arrives first, the album is made before the recording, and the producer creates photos using the song as a reference. However, the song’s video would promote the song; therefore, it is accountable to the song from the standpoint of the artiste and record label. Following an album in a music video may be done in a variety of forms. They sometimes mirror a song’s structure and pick up on specific musical features such as harmony, timbre, and rhythm. The picture can also mimic the fade and flow of a tone, as well as its unknown limits. Videographers have developed a series of techniques for setting picture to music in which the image relinquishes its autonomy and abandons some of its modes.


A fundamental concern for the pregnant teen relates to her own body, and the degree of both physical and emotional growth reached through the pubertal period. The inadequate development of the vaginal tract and the musculoskeletal system of pregnant teenagers predispose them to poor overall obstetrical outcomes. There are high incidents of spontaneous abortion, premature delivery and low birth weight in adolescent females as compared to older women aged 20-29 (Perez-Lopez Faustino, Chedraui, et al. 2011). Furthermore, problems of pregnancy lead to twice as many deaths in teens compared to adult women. In addition to the increased maternal death rates, pregnancy can create great psychological stress on adolescents, particularly with unplanned pregnancies. The accompanying psychological and emotional stresses are economic responsibility, modification in lifestyle and changes in family dynamic.

Due to negative medical and social consequences, it is vital to undertake initiatives to avoid teenage pregnancies. Identification of the risk variables that influence the prevalence of adolescent pregnancies is the premise on which effective preventive strategies should be established. As can be seen from previous analysis, teenage pregnancy is not healthy and can be detrimental to ones’ health. Music videos are a powerful means of disseminating information. This study seeks to investigate the influence of music videos in creating awareness on teenage pregnancy.


The main aim of this study is to investigate the influence of music videos in creating awareness on teenage pregnancy.

1. To determine whether music videos can create awareness on teenage pregnancy.

2. To determine whether music videos can be effective in creating awareness on teenage pregnancy.

3. To determine whether music videos can influence awareness creation on teenage pregnancy.

4. To determine the extent to which music videos can influence teenage pregnancy awareness.


The following questions guide this study;

1. Can music videos create awareness on teenage pregnancy?

2. Can music videos be effective in creating awareness on teenage pregnancy?

3. Can music videos influence awareness creation on teenage pregnancy?

4. To what extent can music videos influence awareness creation on teenage pregnancy?


This study will be significant as it will bring to the fore the imbued prowess of music videos in creating awareness on music videos in creating awareness on not just teenage pregnancy but also other subject matters. It will also be an addition to literature as there has not been works written in this topic. This study will also be helpful to female teenagers as it will bring to light the issue of teenage pregnancy and educate them on the need for abstinence.


This study will only cover the influence of music videos in creating awareness on teenage pregnancy; therefore a change in behaviour towards teenage pregnancy will not be looked into in this study. This study will discuss whether music videos can create awareness on teenage pregnancy and the extent to which it can create awareness on teenage pregnancy. Residents of Edo state shall serve as enrolled participant for this study.


This study was limited by a lack of funds to carry out extensive research on the imbued prowess of music videos in awareness creation.


1.  MUSIC: Vocal and instrumental sounds are combined in such a way that they establish rhythm, harmony, and emotional speech.

2.  MUSIC VIDEO: A short film that puts together a song with images and is fashioned for promotional or creative purposes.

3.  TEENAGE PREGNANCY: Teenage pregnancy is when a woman under 20 gets pregnant. It usually refers to teens between the ages of 15-19.



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