Abstract Of Economic Efficiency of Resource Use Among Urban Waterleaf Farmers in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria
The study estimated the efficiency of resource use among urban waterleaf farmers in Akwa
Ibom State using a sample of 60 respondents that were randomly selected (20) from three
urban centers in the state. Interview schedules and structured questionnaires were
administered to elicit information from the respondents. Data were analyzed using
descriptive statistics, multiple regression and gross margin. The results showed that, most
(85%) farmers were within the economically active age bracket (21-50yrs). All the farmers
were female with a mean house hold size of eight. Majority (90%) of the farmers were literate
with a mean farming experience of 8.5 years.
The average farm size was 0.065ha, and
waterleaf was planted as a sole crop to obtain high output. The multiple regression analysis
showed that educational level, household size, farming experience, quantity of manure,
labour and farm size positively and significantly influenced the output of waterleaf in the
study area. The efficiency ratios of farm size (28.68), manure (42.11) and labour (0.91),
showed that waterleaf farmers were inefficient in the use of these resources. Land resource
and manure were underutilized, while labour was over- utilized. Gross margin analysis
showed that farmers made profit (Gross margin = N 287,252.52 per hectare). Lack of access
to credit facilities was the farmer’s major constraints. It is therefore recommended that credit
facilities should be provided to the urban farmers, and extension agent should take advantage
of the literate farmers to disseminate research information