Chapter One of Preparation of Buffer Solution: “tris Buffer Solution”
Abstract of Preparation of Buffer Solution: “tris Buffer Solution”
Tris buffer solution was prepared in the laboratory by dissolving 4.6g of boric acid, 6.5g of EDTA and 60.5g of trisma base in 1000cm3 of distilled water. Comparative study were done on the commercially produced tris buffer solution, using and laboratory produced tris buffer solution, using pH meter for the p H and by carrying out genotype test for the efficacy of Tris buffer solution prepared in the laboratory was used as an electrolyte. This genotype test reduces the occurrence of sickle cell anemia. This expresses the efficacy rate and pH of laboratory produced Tris buffer solution as compared with that of commercially produced tris buffer solution. The result obtained for the pH of laboratory produced tris buffer solution was found to be 9.0 while that of commercially produced tris buffer solution was found to be 8.9. the result obtained for the efficacy using genotype test showed that tris buffer solution produced in laboratory has more efficacy than that produced commercially, but the difference is not significant.